Facebook of Failure

by G. Murphy Donovan (May 2015)

“I like to watch.” – Chance the gardener, Being There

Personality is seldom thought to be relevant to national security analysis. Yet in the end, Intelligence, policy, and failures are made by men – and the occasional woman. We are fond of blaming history, institutions, processes, or systems for social and national security pathologies. Systems are the creations of ordinary men, too ordinary these days, it seems. There are no earthly institutions or human actions where men or personalities get off the hook. Failure is always personal.  more>>>


One Response

  1. It has been obvious for a long while now that Obama is not acting alone in his war to destroy the former United States. People like Kerry, Clinton, Brennan, Dempsey and Clapper have been ardently working to destroy what was once a decent and moral nation. The fact that all of these weasels were career government servants also tells us a lot about the quality of the multi billion dollar work force that keeps the New American World State running. These people are amoral and in many ways Satanic. It would be wise for Americans to wake up and to try to stop their offspring from joining the American military or civil service. Stop serving the minions of Satan. Nolite confidere in principibus.

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