Feminine Spring

by Nidra Poller

[The women’s march  excerpts]

The self-appointed female nation, outraged by the words and deeds of the new president, took to the streets on the 21st of January, the day after the inauguration. Protestors marched in a compact mass estimated at 700,000 to a million in Washington DC, with another million tallied in national and international sister marches. Did anyone question the misnomer of those hand-knit pink pointy eared pussyhats? There’s nothing pussy about the cat’s ears for heaven’s sake, it’s about the fur! What kind of PC turned the erotic anatomical reference into silliness?


So it’s Donald Trump that doesn’t respect women? First, he talked dirty about the private parts he can grab to his liking, and then he called Hillary Clinton a nasty woman in a presidential debate. Too much for nineteen year-old talk poet, Nina Donovan. She returns the compliment multiplied by 10, and earns herself unhoped-for fame when Ashley Judd performs Donovan’s Nasty Woman poem before millions, live in DC and broadcast worldwide on TV and social media. Copying Donovan’s black talk, Judd pours out a steady stream of vulgarity that won’t be repeated here. Roughly speaking, it’s a lowdown gitdown catalogue of the female body, its intimate functions and secretions, garnished with complaints and demands, soaked in hatred of Donald Trump and, by extension, of all those testosteroned men. It’s pure trash and the crowd loves it. If the black talk can be explained by a taste for cool, what about the picture of Ashley Judd, pointing her finger in the sign of tawhid, allegiance to Allah unique? That’s cool too these days. Like the one keffieh fits all protests.


This is the background against which we should understand Linda Sarsour’s role in a mass movement coalesced under the banner of women’s rights. It is not incidental. She is only one among several co-organizers but the movement marches to her beat. “If you’re in a movement and you’re not following a woman of color, you’re in the wrong movement,” she repeatedly declares, fearing no accusation of racism. And that’s how a feminine population that enjoys maximum rights is mobilized to heave and lug a bushel basket of causes that cancel those rights, and swallow a heavy sprinkling of sharia on the whole kit and caboodle. In the United States, the forces of Islamic conquest nestle in the bosom of civil rights. Including the “civil” rights of non-citizens: No Borders No Walls. ** The undocumented immigrant is my friend, my neighbor, my family. We the People posters, including one featuring a woman in an American flag hijab, twist the first words of the preamble to the Constitution into a hymn to diversity. Multicolor multicultural women haughtily replace the white male Founding Fathers. http://bust.com/arts/18894-we-the-people-posters-will-flood-the-march-on-washington.html

Read the entire, richly illustrated and documented article at:



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