Former Friends, Classmates, Saying All the Usual Things About the Muslim Who Shot 4 US Marines in Chattanooga:

More from the Chattanooga Times Free Press, all of it dismally predictable and all of it resolutely missing the point even as it reveals the point.

“What We Know About the Chattanooga Shooter

‘Everything we know about the man (that is, the Muslim man – CM) responsible for killing four Chattanooga Marines

‘The gunman in the Chattanooga military installation shooting has been identified as 24 year old Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez.

‘He was believed to have been born in Kuwait, and it was unclear whether he was a US or Kuwaiti citizen….

His family seem to have entered the USA from Kuwait at least ten years ago, as he appears to have attended high school in the USA. – CM

‘Abdulazeez is from Hixson, Tennessee….He was booked for a DUI in April 2015.

‘Police in Hixson kicked a reporter out of the neighbourhood that contained a house apparently owned by Abdulazeez.

Looks like the “poverty causes jihad” ‘explanation’ won’t fly, in this case. – CM

‘The reporter saw a SWAT team and FBI agents staging at a nearby strip mall.

‘The house, which Hamilton County records is owned by Youssuf S Abdulazeez, is appraised at $206, 100 by the Hamilton County Assessor of Property.

‘Police led two females out of the house in handcuffs, according to the Associated Press.

Hmmm.  Cue the screams of “Islamophobia!” and “police brutality!” in 3, 2, 1…. – CM

‘Abdulazeez allegedly killed four Marines and shot one police officer in the attack at Amnicola Highway. A soldier and a police officer were wounded in the attack, according to the Associated Press.  Dennis Pedigo, a Chattanooga police officer, is in stable condition.

‘Abdulazeez’s father, Youssuf Abdullazeez, was appointed as a “special policeman” for Chattanooga’s Department of Public Works in March 2005.

Oh, dear. – CM

‘A man named Youssuf Abdulazeez attended UTC, spokesman Chuck Cantrell said, and graduated in 2012 with a degree in engineering.

Perhaps it’s just as well that our Mohammedan mobster, when he decided to Go Jihad during Ramadan (the “Month of Jihad”, the “Month of Victory”), decided to just grab a gun and go blaze away at some American soldiers , rather than deploying for the purposes of Jihad the engineering knowhow that the foolish infidels so foolishly shared with him.  – CM

‘A woman who attended Red Bank High School with Abdulazeez said he was a quiet kid, but well-liked.

He was friendly, funny, kind”, said Kagan Wagner, “I never would have thought it would be him.

That’s the whole point.  You’re supposed to be disarmed, taken by surprise.  The Ummah is an ambush predator.   Many an infidel, blindsided by a sudden eruption of Mohammedan murderousness, has – if they survived – exclaimed in bewilderment that they ‘never would have thought.’   Ms Wagner – and a lot of other people in Hixton, Tennessee – could learn a lot from a chilling article by Coptic American Raymond Ibrahim “When Muslims Betray Non-Muslim Friends and Neighbours”.

She added that their whole family seemed normal.  “They were your average Chattanooga family”, she said.

Well, perhaps, Ms Wagner, you should read, also, what ex-Muslim Nonie Darwish has to say on the subject of “The Nice Muslim Family Next Door.”

‘Multiple people who said they went to Red Bank High School with Abdulazeez sent the Times Free Press photos of what appears to be his senior picture, and senior quote, in the school’s year-book.

“My name causes national security alerts”, the quote reads. “What does yours do?”

Strikes me that right back then in senior high he was enjoying – and boasting about – the fact that he belongs to an Uber-Gang that frightens people. Basking in the reflected glory of the jihadi terrorisers. – CM

‘Ryan Smith, who wrestled with Abdulazeez at Red Bank High School, said he was a “swell guy”.

They so often are…Until they Go Jihad. – CM

“He was an unbelievably nice person”, Smith said. “He was honestly one of the funniest guys I’ve ever met”.

Smith said that Abdulazeez was very religious, (that’s a red flag, right there, if someone is a Muslim – CM) and that he would argue “back and forth” with the boys’ high school wrestling coach during fasting rituals.

I presume this means that Abdulazeez, while in training, fasted ostentatiously during Ramadan, and that the (infidel?) coach didn’t like it.  – CM

His whole family was really religious”, Smith said.  “His family, they all wore the drapes and stuff, all the women in his family wore the little hoods.”

Again, red flag.  The greater the degree of Islamic observance, the more covered-up the women are, the more likely it is that someone in the family will Go Jihad. – CM

‘Abdulazeez became a mixed-martial artist after high school, Smith said.

He went in for engineering and mixed martial arts.  Both pursuits comprising skill sets that he could easily have used in Jihad against the circumambient non-Muslims ….so many of whom, so it seems, he had lulled into complacency by being so very, very charming.  Perhaps we should be thankful for small mercies.  He could have done a lot more damage than he actually achieved.  And now he’s dead. – CM

‘Smith did not know what had motivated his former friend to attack the military installations in Chattanooga.

Read the Quran and the Sira, Mr Smith.  Bear in mind that your ‘friend’ – who precisely because he was such a devout Muslim, from such a devout Muslim family, cannot possibly have been your friend in any real sense, given that orthodox Islam teaches that no Muslim must befriend an Infidel unless temporarily and feigningly and for the benefit of said Muslim and/ or the Muslim Ummah – was a devout Muslim.  And then his motives for murdering Infidel American soldiers won’t be a mystery to you anymore. – CM

“You’ve got to make good decisions, and he didn’t make a good decision”, Smith said.

It was a bad decision from the point of view of American infidel, and wider Infidel, morality and law.  But from the point of view of a thoroughly-brainwashed Mohammedan mobster, it was a good decision; for Muslims are taught that allah grants paradise to those who ‘slay and are slain’ in the course of waging Jihad

A further observation. As yet no-one seems to have tracked down and interviewed the official/s at the mosque or mosques that this “very religious” Mohammedan, Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, and his oh-so-devout “really religious” Muslim family of origin must have attended on a regular basis.   One hopes that the relevant police, together with the CIA and FBI – and the US military, notably the US Marine Corps – are taking an interest in said mosque or mosques and all associated personnel.  In fact, surprise raids-and-searches – and thorough interrogations of all mosque officials, prayer leaders, etc – would be just the ticket, right now. – CM


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