Fraud, Convicts, And Ethnic Exploitation – How Peterborough Was REALLY Won
Update Sunday morning. Jay Beecher of Politicalite, who is from Peterborough, has more analysis about the liklihood of electoral fraud in that city. Here.
AS MOMENTUM trolls mobilised nearly 1,000 activists to knock on doors in the run-up to the Peterborough by-election – carpooling activists to Peterborough from as far as North Wales – an enormous push for postal votes was made in a devious attempt to claim the marginal seat nestled in Cambridgeshire. And, as Politicalite can now exclusively reveal, the reasons for this raise serious concerns over the validity of the inevitable result.
The social media history of Lisa Forbes epitomises the love-in between Labour and anti-Jew sentiments.
Catching-up with local residents following the election of Lisa Forbes on Thursday, Politicalite – aided by Peterborough-based pro-democracy group ‘Vote Watch’ investigated various reports and allegations of Labour-led electoral fraud.
Among those that stood out the most, was one resident who was furious that her daughter had – as she claimed – been ‘given cash’ to go and vote Labour.
“She’s never voted before in her life” the woman told us. “Then these scum sweet-talk her into taking a tenner to go down and vote. She’s 18. She didn’t get what she was doing. I’m angry with her, but I’m p*ssed off with the Labour boys who took advantage”. At 18 I knew exactly what I was doing the first time I voted – but then I had had the benefit of a finer education at a state school, to bolster my parents teaching, not undermine it, than is issued now.
The woman, as with most of the residents we spoke to, had chosen not to go to the police or electoral commission, for fear of reprisals from the local Labour droogs.
For legal reasons and for the protection of those concerned, Politicalite cannot name the many residents who have alleged electoral fraud took place during the by-election, but a full complaint, including their claims, has been put forward to the electoral commission to investigate – although, taking past attitudes and ignorance into consideration, we hold little hope that any action will be taken.
Other allegations that Politicalite investigated were a series of claims that postal workers had intentionally destroyed campaign literature from non-Labour candidates and parties rather than delivering them, and that some postmen had handed postal votes over to local Labour ‘officials’ before they could make it into the hands of their rightful owners. The same thing happened in the Wirral last month with Tommy Robinson’s electoral leaflets.
This, however, did not surprise us. During previous elections, similar reports were made,
Nor has any action been taken against recent dubious tactics employed by the local Labour team, including by Aasiyah Joseph, one of the signatories on Lisa Forbes’ nomination papers, who incited racial tensions in Peterborough and unjustified hatred towards Brexit supporters by openly promoting the unfounded claim that the Brexit Party are ‘racist’.
Another individual whom Lisa Forbes chose to sign her nomination papers, Politicalite soon found, had filmed himself in an open-top car with a group of friends who drove around the city shouting racist anti-Indian slurs.
Before we concluded our investigation and began our report to hand over to the electoral commission, a further allegation was made by two separate members of the Pakistani community. The two individuals – both of whom go against the local trend among the community, and vote Conservative – claimed that local Mosque officials had not only told their congregations who to vote for, but had also ‘personally completed’ the postal votes of many local Muslim residents.
During the election campaign, Corbyn visited the Peterborough constituency to campaign for Lisa Forbes. Their main focus fell on squeezing-out what has been nicknamed the ‘Muslim vote’, by visiting predominantly Pakistani areas and schmoozing with local Imams.
Above – with Jeremy Corbyn outside a mosque.
Below with local Muslims and Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London.
With the overwhelming allegations once more flooding in from frustrated and betrayed Peterborough voters, it is now becoming clearer as to why the Labour party – in the run-up to the by-election – heavily promoted the use of postal votes, and urged on social media for residents to apply for postal votes rather than vote in person.
It also highlights the serious threat facing democracy in Peterborough, with ramifications for the rest of the UK.
Have these claims been reported in the mainstream media? You can bet your vote-earned bottom penny they haven’t. Are the local council taking it seriously? Considering that another formerly imprisoned vote-rigger has now been allowed to stand again in a recent election, and the fact that Peterborough – just last month – swore in its new mayor (a man previously convicted of fraud), we think perhaps not. And finally; will the electoral commission take a long overdue stand to restore order and democracy in a down-trodden, betrayed city? That, despite our reservations, is yet to be seen.
There is something in the mainstream media – the Mail on Sunday has this. Including a photograph taken last month of the Labour party leader, the candidate and Tariq Mahmood? the convicted electoral fraudster.