French Leaders Demand Muslims Denounce Anti-Christian And Anti-Jewish Verses In Quran

Joshua Gill writes in the Daily Caller:

A group of 300 French politicians and artists demanded prominent Muslim leaders denounce Islamic anti-Semitism and declare anti-Christian and anti-Jewish verses in the Quran outdated.

Former President Nicolas Sarkozy, actor Gerard Depardieu and singer Charles Aznavour numbered among the group, which issued a manifesto in Le Parisien newspaper on Sunday, according to The Associated Press. The manifesto demanded the denunciation from Muslim leaders so “no believer can refer to a holy text to commit a crime” and urged them to fight against the anti-Semitism of radical Islam “before it’s too late,” according to AP.

The group included three former French presidents, politicians from France’s left and right wing parties, as well as Jewish, Catholic and Muslim leaders. French leaders issued the manifesto in response to France’s upsurge of anti-Semitism and cited in the manifesto 11 French Jews who were murdered for their faith. The most recent victim was 85-year-old Mireille Knoll, a Holocaust survivor, whose Muslim neighbor and another man stabbed her to death before setting her apartment on fire. The manifesto’s authors blame the anti-Semitism surge on the rise of radical Islam in France and the media’s silence on the matter.

“Why the silence? It is because radical Islam is considered exclusively by some of the elite French parties as an expression of social revolt … because the old anti-Semitism of the extreme Right is added to the anti-Semitism of the radical Left, which has found anti-Zionism as their alibi for transforming the executioners of Jews as victims in society,” the manifesto states, according to Jewish News.

The manifesto’s authors demand Muslim spiritual leaders unequivocally denounce all Islamic expressions of hatred or violence toward non-Muslims — specifically Jews and Christians. They asked that all Quranic verses advocating for such hatred “be struck from the theological authorities … so that no believer may rely on this sacred text to commit a crime.”

“We ask that the fight against the democratic weakness that is anti-Semitism will become a national cause before it is too late. Before France is no longer France,” the manifesto states in closing.


5 Responses

  1. The manifesto is asking for a miracle, mass blasphemy in violation of the immutable sacred Islamic scriptures.
    And what incentives are offered equivalent to those promised in those scriptures? And what defenses are offered against the punishments for faithlessness, promised in those scriptures?
    Let’s work toward the miracle. What’s the plan?

  2. The Muslims won’t.
    Not properly.

    They CAN’T.

    Some will use weaselwording and flowery nothings. What they say in response to this – what *every* known major mosque in France says in response – should be noted carefully and parsed by someone who knows how Islamspeak works – preferably, an out-and-out apostate from Islam.

    And *then* – one by one – those mosques that have remained silent, those mosque-leaders and Muslim organisations that have remained silent, or those that have issued only the sketchiest and most empty-of-real-content flower nothings and vague generalities – should be investigated. Thoroughly. The mosques raided and surprise-searched.

    Islam requires to be treated like an organised-crime syndicate and like the hostile, aggressive and subversive and horribly-abusive death cult and mind-control cult – veiled in layers of deception and illusion – that it *is*.

    Its antisemitism – hardwired into all its founding texts and the sunnah of mohammed – is a bit difficult to ignore or ‘fudge’. Not a few surveys and polls, in Europe, have revealed that the Jew-hatred amongst the immigrant mohammedan colonies is much more pervasive and virulent than the Jew-hatred one finds among native non-Islamic Europeans. The percentages are higher (and one must bear in mind, also, always, the tendency of mohammedans to lie and deceive; the figures obtained by these opinion surveys, should be assumed to indicate an ‘at least’ number, not an ‘at most’, one should probably assume the situation is worse, even far worse, than the poll results indicate), and the nature and intensity of the hate is greater. No native non-Muslim European, in the past twenty years or ten years, has carried out a murder of Jews as atrocious as the Musilm murders – openly and explicitly motivated by Islam – of Sebastien Selam, Ilan Halimi, Rabbi Jonathan Sandler and his two little sons and Miriam Monsonego (8 years old), and the two elderly Jewish ladies, and the butchering of Jews in the Kosher supermarket in Paris at the time of the Charlie Hebdo massacre.
    Allowing Muslims to grow more and more numerous and powerful in Europe is like allowing and encouraging a rebirth of the Third Reich. Islam’s poisonous Jew-hatred – that comes straight from its founding texts, which Muslims CANNOT ‘reform/ edit’ or alter – *ought* to be a ‘deal-breaker’.
    But there is something else that needs to be raised as well: two other ‘deal-breakers’, or what OUGHT to be ‘deal-breakers’. Every professing, self-declared Muslim *is* a member of an Organisation that decrees 1/ DEATH for apostasy and 2/ DEATH for ‘blasphemy’. … and an organisation for which those rules are NOT dusty old fossils in the back of the book, long forgotten or deliberately shelved but, rather, well and truly operative in the public and contemporary practice of that Organisation. Jews and Christians who leave their faith, or who commit ‘blasphemy’ against it, do NOT live in fear of assassins coming after them to kill them; but Muslims who leave their cult, and *anyone*, ex-Muslim or non-Msulim, who dares pipe up to criticise, question or mock That Which Must Not Be Criticised and Those Who Must Not Be Offended, soon finds themselves deluged with death threats and driven into hiding.
    In France, the Charlie Hebdo massacre should have triggered a flat ban on all further entry of identifiable Muslims into France, and mass expulsions of all non-citizen Muslims, and mass internment of *every* citizenship-holding Muslim already on a ‘watch’ list, and surprise raids-and-searches of *every* already-suspect mosque, followed by closings-down, razings to the ground, and swift deportations of a great many imams and sheikhs. With the lawmakers hard at work figuring out a way to rejig the laws to permit exile / expulsion of Muslims – whether immigrant-ancestry ‘cradl’e Muslims’ or native-French converts -who happen to have French citizenship. Because Islam is an Enemy Within. We should not be tolerating an Organisation that *practises* and encourages the practice of murdering its defectors and assassinating its critics. Suppose someone *invented* a *new* cult that behaved exactly as Islam does – like a blend of the Mafia and the Thuggees – and started throwing its weight aroun, and that openly taught and encouraged – *on western soil* – the murder of apostates and of its critics and mockers. Law enforcement would be onto it in a trice. It would be banned and its members hunted down, and jailed (or expelled, if they came from foreign parts) so fast…

  3. It’s a minor miracle that some establishment personages actually referenced problematic verses in Islamic scripture. The next step should entail understanding the virtual impossibility of doctrinal change in this matter. Finally, when the beautiful people realize that what’s left of western civilization in France must be defended from the barbarians at the gates, we can say that light has dawned on Marblehead.

  4. And the response from the Muslim leaders was? And the signers expected the response of the Muslim leaders to this game to be? And the reality of the change for good has been?

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