From Saudi Arabia to Sydney, Australia to Iraq – Yet Another Devout Young Muslim Man Goes Jihad

And everybody is scratching their heads and wondering how and why this devout young Muslim – who being from Saudi Arabia would surely have been steeped in orthodox Sunni Islam from birth – would do what he did.  

As reported by the ‘Australian’, this morning.

“Radicalised in Sydney, Student Dies in Iraq Suicide Blast’.

Slaying and being slain for the cause of ‘allah.  ‘Radicalised’ = heeding the summons to wage jihad. – CM

‘A Saudi Arabian student believed to have been radicalised while living in Sydney (that is: “A young Muslim man from Saudi Arabia who is believed to have been recruited for jihad by other Muslims whilst studying in Sydney” – CM) has become the third suicide bomber to die in Iraq for Islamic State.

Even Saudi Arabia, his country of origin, was not madly, deeply, purely Islamic enough for him...- CM

‘Meshaal Suhaimi, who lived in Sydney for a year before vanishing last September, has reportedly been identified as an Islamic State suicide bomber who targeted a Shia militia stronghold in Ramadi.

‘The attack took place days after Jake Bilardi, a teenage convert to Islam from Melbourne, drove a car bomb into an army base in the same city (that is, in Ramadi – CM).

‘Suhaimi’s family in Saudi Arabia have told Arabic media outlets they believed Suhaimi had been radicalised while living in Australia, where he had been studying English as part of a scholarship program, after which he planned to study at university.

A scholarship.  Awarded, and paid for, by whom? – by a Saudi entity (government or non-government) or by Australia?  I’d like to know. Because we certainly shouldn’t be offering ‘scholarships’ to any Saudi Arabian Muslim to come to Australia.  And even if they are rich enough – which they are – to pay through the roof for tuition here, we shouldn’t be letting them in: their presence in our schools and universities is dangerous, not only because the host institutions – as a flood of Muslim ‘students’ pours in – come under all sorts of pressure to accommodate myriad and ever-escalating Muslim demands for this and that, but because the non-Muslim students are exposed either to the lethal smiles and wiles of Muslim dawa (which includes deliberate ‘marriage jihad’ or ‘love jihad’ targeting naive Infidel girls who haven’t read “Not Without My Daughter” or Chesler’s “My Afghan Captivity”) or the nastiness of Muslim misogyny and general aggression.  If this bloke had never been given a student visa in the first place, he would be Saudi Arabia’s problem, end of.  – CM

‘One photo of Suhaimi’s life in Australia shows the young man standing on the kerb of a suburban Sydney street and giving the thumbs-up to the camera.

So? That tells us exactly nothing. – CM

‘Suhaimi is believed to have flown from Sydney to Malaysia on September 20, on his way to the conflict zone.

‘He was reported missing on October 6 [2014] after he stopped attending classes, failed to answer phone calls from his family, and a friend in Sydney found that he was not at his apartment.

“He is young…and he is a conservative Muslim“, his brother Mohammed Suhaimi told the Saudi-owned Al Arabiya television network last year.

He is a conservative Muslim”. Stop right there. Because that is all that needs to be said.  The more devoutly orthodox a Muslim is the more likely to Go Jihad, given half a chance. – CM

‘A few days later, after being alerted to his disappearance, Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Canberra released a statement that said it had immediately contacted Australian authorities about Suhaimi and it was confirmed he had left the country.

One wonders how close a watch the House of Saud – and for that matter, any other Islamic entity, such as it might be Iran, or Qatar, or Malaysia, or Indonesia – keeps on those persons from their part of the Dar al Islam who are visiting the Dar al Harb.  After all, they must sometimes wonder whether such persons might not, in the relative freedom of the West, be tempted to apostasise and defect to the Camp of the Infidels. – CM

‘Little was known about his situation until Islamic State’s propaganda unit in Iraq’s Anbar province released photos of Suhaimi, whom they identified as Abu Muawiya al-Jazrawi, sitting in a ute laden with barrels of explosives, and of a large explosion.

‘According to the captions, “Abu Muawiya” drove the vehicle towards a Shia militia post in the inner-city al-Andalus suburb of Ramadi on March 14 [that is, March 14 2015 – CM].

‘One photo shows Suhaimi, dressed from head to toe in white, speaking to an unseen man while sitting in the driver’s seat of the ute, while another shows a massive explosion that appears to have demolished a wall.

‘According to news reports, pro-jihadi Twitter accounts claimed “dozens” of Shia fighters had been killed or injured in a suicide bombing in the suburb, but media outlets reported that few – if any – fighters died. 

‘After a long campaign punctuated by suicide bombings, Islamic State captured Ramadi, the capital of Anbar, on May 14.

‘Melbourne teen Adam Dahman (that is: “formerly-Melbourne-resident Muslim Adam Dahman” – CM) is believed to have become the first Australian suicide bomber (that is: “the first Aussie-passport-holding suicide bomber” – CM) when he died (that is, “when he immolated himself” – CM) in Iraq last July.

Click on the link. There are Comments, 25 so far.  Most boiling down to something like “good riddance”.

One less headache for ASIO and AFP.

Might be a good idea, though, to find out what mosque or mosques he attended in Sydney, and whether he was part of a Muslim student group and what it got up to and who was instructing it; and investigate, thoroughly.

Meanwhile, a word to our government, and to those educational institutions that are dazzled by fee-paying students from Muslim lands: it isn’t worth the risk. Just stop. Now. No more Muslims, please.  Not as “students”, nor as “businessmen” nor as “tourists” nor as “refugees” nor as immigrants.  Not . one. more.  Because sooner or later some of them, or more than some, will Go Jihad. And some will do it here, rather than in places like Iraq and Syria.   – CM




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