Fundraiser Update

GOOD NEWS! We have raised close to $6,000.00 so far thanks to all your generous donations made to the Go Fund Me campaign and others which have come in privately. Thanks to you we can continue publishing the very finest writers in the Anglosphere – and more books are coming too. In April, we have Neither Trumpets Nor Violins, philosophic reflections by Theodore Dalrymple, Samuel Hux and Kenneth Francis (a sequel to The Terror of Existence), and Ramses: A Memoir by Theodore Dalrymple about his precious little Yorkie dog. In May, we have RSKY BZNS by Paul Illidge which follows in the footsteps of Catch Me If You Can and The Wolf of Wall Street about an extremely charming Canadian con man – Paul’s own brother. And there are more in the pipeline.

Of course, we will continue to publish our beloved magazine. Thanks to everyone for putting up with me sitting in for Kendra these last two months. She thanks you all for your well-wishes and will return for the next issue.

Coming this spring, I will be hosting a monthly salon here in Nashville where our authors and readers can come together, get to know each other, and discuss the great issues of the day. Every third Saturday at 3PM beginning in April. More on this to come.

I can’t tell you how humbled and grateful I am due to the outpouring of support we’ve received.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,
