George Soros: Egomaniac, Salon Bolshevik, And Enemy Of The Open Society


A successful financier, that is adept at seeing how to make money, George Soros has also been adept, perhaps even more adept, at finding ways to avoid paying taxes. He is, outwardly, as outraged at the injustice of the system as Warren Buffett, but has made no sign, unlike Buffett, of wanting to give away his fortune, or much of it. He likes to think of himself as an intellectual, and has been an ostentatious admirer of Karl Popper who wrote, among other works, The Open Society and Its Enemies. But he hasn’t answered, or even given signs of having thought about, this question: Is George Soros someone who in his works and days has furthered the Open Society, or has he been, all along,as a self-satisfied plutocrat pretending to be something more, one of its Enemies?