Giorgia Meloni: Just Do It

By Armando Simón

            North America and Europe, particularly Western Europe, have for over a decade been swamped by a tsunami of illegal immigrants. In Europe, the majority of these “migrants” are savages from Africa and Muslim countries who proceed to commit horrible crimes almost as soon as they arrive. Being savages, most of them have contempt for Western civilization, scorn the laws and become parasites of the welfare state, with no desire to assimilate to cultures they view with contempt and whose native citizens they view as prey. Some of these savages have even carried out acts of cannibalism in France.

Muslims in particular are upfront in their desire to destroy Western civilization, its culture, its religion, its democracy. This is not a secret; they-say-so. Again and again. They make no secret of it. “Jihad will continue until all the Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, Atheists are killed. Your secularism and tolerance cannot change our ideology. Quran does not  permit survival of Non-Muslims.” “Jihad will continue until all the Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, atheists are killed. Your secularism and tolerance cannot change your ideology. The Quaran does not permit survival of non-Muslims.” “We will take over politically, oust the Constitution, establish shariah law, and behead all non-Muslims, right in the streets of America.”

Such statements made by Muslims are buried by the media, some of the media outlets utilizing “fact checkers” that deny the statements were made. Regardless, one only has to see and hear Muslims wherever they congregate.

Just last month, in Christmas markets in Germany, waves of Muslims swept through the markets with their usual moronic “Allahu akbar!” while flying flags from their country. In France, churches had to be guarded by the police from Muslim mobs. In Italy, the savages from Africa and Muslim countries took over Piazza del Duomo in Milan. German citizens were killed by Muslims.

Those who acknowledge that Europe has been invaded without firing a shot wring their hands as to what can possibly be done. The problem is exacerbated by neo-Marxist politicians—be it Labour in Britain, Democrats in America, Liberals in Canada, etc.—who have actively encouraged and facilitated the steady invasion of their country by these savages. This is because like the invaders, the Communists share a common goal of destroying the culture they live in. Listen to any leftist in Germany, Britain or America and you will hear their profound hatred for their country, their religion, and the people. If the reader is doubtful, then he should notice that the Labour government in Great Britain has suppressed information on the numerous rape gangs carried out by the “Pakis.”

Once thought to be extinct, Communists have come back masked, but still Marxists. Communism is like herpes; just when you think it is gone for good, it resurfaces again.

Consequently, the problem seems to be insurmountable because, in essence, the governments are the enemy. They have declared war on their own citizens and their own country. And they use the media and the schools to brainwash their citizens to a) submit to outrages by the savages b) to hate those who want to save their country by labeling “racists” and “Fascists” and c) to deny there is a problem and ignore their eyes and ears and censor any opposing views. Or inconvenient facts. Furthermore, leftists have taught the savages that in using the magic words “racists” “Islamophobia” and “Fascists” is enough to disarm critics. In Germany, the accusation of “Nazi” in particular is guaranteed to induce paralysis in any guilt-ridden German.

But Italy, like the United States, now has someone in charge of the country. The problem is that there is indecisiveness as to what to do. Yet, the solution is simple. Giorgia Meloni should adopt the Nike slogan: “Just do it.”

  • Declare martial law due to invasion.
  • Employ the military to round up all the invading savages.
  • Deport all the savages—not with costly airplane tickets, but in a ship. And dump them anywhere, regardless of where they came from.
  • Ignore the howls of indignation from the Communists in the media and in Brussels, who will cry rivers and who will scream accusations of Fascism and racism and islamophobia and everything else. Many leftists will react in their usual knee jerk fashion and will walk around with signs. But Italy comes first.
  • Order the Italian Navy to reject any boat carrying migrants. Announce your intention to do so first, so that there is a warning. [In the original submission: Henceforth, give the order to the Italian navy to sink every boat carrying migrants. Announce the intention to do so first, so that there will be a warning. But sink them! And don’t rescue the survivors. Once this happens twice, there will no longer be any attempts to invade.]
  • All legal maneuvers by Marxists to oppose and delay the purge are negated through declaring martial law.
  • Revoke the citizenship of all Muslims and Africans who were given a citizenship in the past decade, or who were born in Italy during that time. And kick them out of the country.
  • Poland and Hungary dealt with the problem of migrants simply by halting their entrance at their borders and using force to repel a breach of their borders. By doing so, they eliminated the problem before it became critical. In Italy, as in France, in Germany, in Sweden, in America, in Britain, in Iberia it has already reached a critical state.

And if anyone tells Giorgia Meloni it cannot be done, then set your eyes on America now that Trump is in charge.