Giving Thanks: Donald Trump’s Top Ten

by G. Murphy Donovan (December 2016)

There are many things that can be said about the election of Donald Trump and most will probably get said before 20 January 17. Beyond an unlikely candidacy and an even more surprising election, Trump, long before inauguration, is an overachiever on many fronts. Indeed, a “Reelect Trump” bumper sticker was spotted in Easton, Maryland just a day after the election. Here are the top ten things Trump has already accomplished before his first term begins.  more>>>


4 Responses

  1. In connection with the necessary pushback against Jihad, you mentioned – obviously enough – Israel.  And Russia; which despite its many and glaring faults, is still the daughter of Eastern Christendom.  And China. But …you omitted to mention another, very large majority-infidel and officially-non-Islamic country that is not a totalitarian entity like China, that is probably freer than both China *and* Russia, and seems to me, under its current leader, to have distinct possibilities for participation in any major pushback against Jihad: to wit, INDIA.  And India, one may add, has been developing something of a relationship with Israel, of late. 

    I would very much like to see America giving the boot, well and truly, to Pakistan and a whole bunch of other Muslim entities (including but not confined to Indonesia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia) that managed to con said USA into becoming their 'ally' and then conditioned it into the position of dhimmified codependent jizya-paying tributary, during the Cold War.  No more 'aid'. No more advanced military weaponry.  Minimal trade. NO immigration, and NO 'students' from those countries entering the USA.   Cut 'em off.

    And a reorientation toward India, and encouragement to *India* to crack down on the sullen and destructive Ummah colony inside its gates that is currently dragging it down and corrupting its political and social landscape.  Frankly, if India decided to turf out all of its resident Muslims into Bangladesh and Pakistan (whilst quietly facilitating the transfer into India of the dwindling remnant of – miserably treated – non-Muslims of both Bangladesh and Pakistan) it would be a damn good thing.

  2. Amen, Christina. An obvious oversight on my part. India is a better bet than China and surely a more reliable polity than Pakistan. India is truely a diverse and enlightened democracy, in spite of restive and fractuous Muslim sectarians. To her credit, India absorbed the best of the British Rajh baby when they tossed the imperial bath water. Merry Christmas! 

  3. A magnificent article.

    I`d have given a separate credit to his putting the wind up the climate change shills and hucksters…might power the wind turbines for a day anyway!

    Like Brexit over in Europe, a joyous time to be alive-with so much else to look forward to in 2017 as France,Holland and Germany join the parade.

    We could not have continued long as we were doing-and now it`s so good to see the Milos, NERs, Breitbarts etc now about to run the liberal liars out of their sinecures.

    I`ll not forget the medias role in trashing Trump or Nigel-the web (thank God) lets us think for ourselves, and we need to get rid of the liberals

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