Gold Coast, Australia: Pakistani Muslim Man Sexually Assaults Aussie Infidel Girls In Surf in Broad Daylight

As reported by the ABC and other media.

I should note that am going out on a limb here in that I am assuming that this creep and pervert is a Mohammedan, for our Press has primly refused to state his name;  however, given that the vast majority of Pakistanis are Muslims and that most persons from Pakistan, in Australia, whether visiting or resident are Muslims, and also given that Muslim males – whether of South Asian or of any other ethnicity – are particularly prone to indulging in this sort of behaviour, specifically targeting infidel girls and women (as we have seen, repeatedly, in Europe) I think it more probable that he is a Mohammedan than that he is anything else.   If it turns out that he was not Mohammedan I will of course correct the story accordingly.

“18 Year Old Victorian Man Charged With Sexual Assault of Women in Surf Blamed Rough Conditions, Court Told”.

He’s not “Victorian”.  He doesn’t even possess Australian citizenship (for which let us be devoutly thankful; should make it easier to get rid of him).  He is a “Victoria-resident Muslim from Pakistani”.  As for the rest of it…ROFLMAO.  Most. unconvincing. lie. evah. – CM

‘AN 18 year old Victorian man (sic: he is not “Victorian”, he merely resides there and I hope he won’t be residing there or anywhere else in Australia for much longer – CM) has blamed rough surf and strong winds (!!!! – pull the other leg, mate, it has bells on – CM) for a series of alleged assaults against girls and women on the Gold Coast.

I believe the women and the girls.  Incidentally, four of the girls were 15 – under aged. – CM

‘Police allege the man assaulted eight girls and women as they swam between the flags yesterday afternoon at Surfers Paradise.

‘It is alleged the girls and women, aged between 15 and 24, were assaulted in a half-hour period.

He was on a spree. – CM

‘They complained about the man to life-guards, who called police.

Good work, Surf Life-Savers.  And good work, Aussie police, arresting the bastard and not allowing yourself to be restrained by any nonsense about ‘racism!’ and ‘cultural sensitivity!’.   – CM

The Pakistani national (I observe, therefore, that he does not possess Australian citizenship; and his grossly aggressive and disgusting behaviour on this beach, just now, should preclude any chance of his ever obtaining such a thing; indeed, once a suitable sentence has been served he should be packed onto a plane straight back to Pakistan, marked “never to be permitted back into Australia”. – CM) was charged with two counts of attempted rape, seven counts of sexual assault, and four counts of common assault, and appeared in the Southport Magistrates Court this morning.

‘The court heard that the man allegedly assaulted two of the females through their bikini bottoms.

He was trying to shove his fingers into their bodily openings, that’s what he tried to do.  And whatever he or his lawyer/s may say, and the Press primly dodging around it, in a case like this on principle I believe the victim, not the offender.  If the women and girls said he was doing this, I believe them.  – CM

‘His lawyer told the court that winds and big waves pushed her client into the women who were swimming between the flags in separate groups.

His female lawyer….- CM

‘But Magistrate John Costanzo said the man’s explanation that heavy surf and wind conditions caused the alleged assaults seemed implausible.

And that’s the understatement of the year. – CM

“The Crown will argue that’s the most unfortunate conspiracy of circumstances in history”, he said.

::applause:: Looks like Magistrate John Costanzo has his BS detectors turned on. – CM

‘Mr Costanzo denied the man’s bail application because he was an unacceptable risk of re-offending.

Yes indeed.  I wonder whether Magistrate Costanzo has been paying attention to the recent news out of Europe and, confronted with distressed Aussie women and girls who have been grossly “groped” in the surf by a male Mohammedan, has put two and two together and drawn the appropriate conclusions.  – CM

“My view of the facts in this case is [that] the Crown case appears to be quite strong in the allegation of eight separate, brazen and repeated sexual assaults and attempted rape”, he said.

“It’s an indication of a person having great difficulty controlling their sexual instincts”.

Not only that. If this creature is, as seems very probable, a Mohammedan, it’s an indication of a man whose ‘culture’ and religion have told him that any and all Infidel girls and women are by definition whores and sluts who deserve to be punished and abused and terrorised and are up for grabs…always and everywhere.  A man imbued by his religion with a megalomaniacal sense of total entitlement and with utter disrespect for Infidel law.  A man engaging in “rape Jihad” right there on the Gold Coast beach in sunny Queensland.  Pure malevolence. – CM

‘Outside court, detective Acting Inspector Greg Aubort said that the alleged victims were asked if the surf conditions were rough and if the alleged assaults were accidental.

We have individual reports very firm in saying these were deliberate acts”, Mr Aubort said.

“If you look at the surf from yesterday, it was two to three feet, it was nothing startling in that sense.”

‘He said other girls and women may have suffered similar experiences.

And not necessarily only at the grabbing, groping, shoving hands and dirty poking fingers of this particular Mohammedan.  Who knows how many other such predators may have been or currently are on the prowl at beaches all around Australia?  This story should put all Aussie infidels – especially surf life-savers (the guardians and lawgivers on our beaches) and beach-side police – on the alert.  Beware of the Rape Jihadi trying it on at our beaches this summer. – CM

“We are encouraging any person who may have been the victim or any assault or similar to this to come forward.

“It’s a terrible act to attempt to commit, particularly when you look at the age of these ladies”.

‘The man is due back in court next month”.

Deport! Deport! Deport!  Clap him in prison for the maximum prescribed term, and then…deport the bastard. Kick his backside and pack him onto the plane.  And all family members.  We don’t want him.  We do not need people here whose cult commands, approves, encourages and sacralises the sexual abuse of non-adherent females. –  CM

There’s a little bit more detail in yahoonews, as reported by Kamilia Palu and Caity Stone.

‘An 18 year old Victorian man facing multiple sexual assault allegations has claimed “heavy surf and wind conditions” caused him to collide with his alleged victims at a popular Gold Coast beach yesterday.

But the court, thank goodness, wasn’t buying his brazen and bizarre nonsense-and-lies. – CM

‘The Pakistan national is facing seven counts of sexual assault, two counts of attempted rape (this, in broad daylight on an Aussie beach! – CM) and four counts of common assault on women aged between 15 and 24.

‘It’s alleged the man committed the attacks in water between the red and yellow flags at the popular Surfers Paradise beach yesterday.

‘A total of eight females, including five 15 year olds, have come forward and made claims that they were assaulted by the man now living in Geelong.

Five fifteen-year-old girls.  Under the legal age of consent. The police have to come down on this thug like the proverbial tonne of bricks. – CM

‘Southport Magistrates Court heard he allegedly attempted to assault two of the females through their bikini bottoms..

“Police have dismissed the man’s claims any contact was accidental….

‘Police are urging anyone with information to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 33 000.”

Here’s hoping there were people taking photos of the relevant portion of the beach at the time, who may have incidentally recorded one or more of the attacks. – CM

And finally, Kim Stephens of the Brisbane Times, who has one or two more little items of information.

‘Gold Coast Beach Assault Accused Denied Bail.’

“Police believe a Victorian [sic – CM] teenager [no, he is an adult male: he’s 18 years old; and why aren’t we being told his name? – CM] accused of the sexual assaults of eight women and girls in the surf at a popular Gold Coast beach may have more victims.

I wouldn’t be surprised.  And  I wouldn’t be surprised if he attempted or carried out attacks against younger girls – anywhere between age 2 and age fifteen.  – CM

‘The 18 year old, from the regional city of Geelong (‘from’…only in the sense that he has been residing there…how long? He’s from Pakistan.  From Muslim Pakistan.  And he hasn’t – thank goodness ! – acquired Australian citizenship nor should he ever be permitted to do so, given what he’s just done. – CM) is alleged to have assaulted five years aged 15 and three women aged between 17 and 24 within a half hour period (eight attacks, in just 30 minutes! – CM) at Surfers Paradise beach on Tuesday.

‘The alleged victims were swimming in three groups between the flags just after midday, when the man is alleged to have swum between them and committed the assaults.

Two told police he attempted to digitally rape them.

There is no way, just no way, that that kind of thing can happen by accident!  –  CM

‘The teenager, a Pakistan national (and why do we need Pakistani Muslims in Australia?  why? – CM) has been charged with seven counts of sexual assault, two counts of attempted rape, and four counts of common assault.

‘He was refused bail when he appeared in Southport Magistrates Court on Wednesday morning, after magistrate John Costanzo described his explanation as “implausible”.

And that’s putting it mildly. – CM

‘Surfers Paradise Detective Inspector Tony Aubort said the alleged broad daylight attacks were “brazen”.

Mohammedans have no shame, because they have, toward Infidel persons and property, a deeply-inculcated sense of entitlement and no respect whatsoever. – CM

‘He said with the beach packed on a hot Gold Coast day, police believed there could be more victims.

“This is an ongoing investigation, we are seeking any information from any person or any member of the public who may have witnessed these events, anyone with knowledge to come forward”, he said.

“There may be more victims out there that may have been before or after this time, so we are encouraging any person who may have experienced anything similar or related to this to come forward.”

‘In the teenager’s bail application hearing on Wednesday, magistrate Mr Costanzo deemed that the trainee mechanic, who was on holiday with a family friend at the time of the alleged assaults, [posed] an unacceptable risk of reoffending….

‘Inspector Aubort agreed with Mr Costanzo [that] the man’s explanation that rough surf had caused him to hold onto the women and girls was implausible.  “Initially, there’s been some attempted explanations as to rough surf and flailing about and grabbing onto the victims to protect himself”, he said.  “The evidence is quite clear these were deliberate acts, the surf yesterday was only two or three feet, so there was nothing startling in that sense.”

‘The man was alone at the beach at the time the alleged attacks occurred, he said.

Presumably this means he wasn’t swimming with friends, etc and had not been accompanied to the beach.  Might be worth checking up on that, just to make sure. – CM

‘The alarm was raised with lifeguards, who called police to the popular beach to detain the man.

‘The case has been adjourned to return to court on February 11.”

And maybe we’ll find out his name, eventually? 

Deport! Deport! Deport!   And can we please, please, please not import any more persons of this sort into Australia?   Sure, we have sex pests of our own (though they – unlike Mohammedans – are not members of a cult that actively teaches the abuse, harassment, degradation, enslavement and rape of any females who are non-adherents of said cult) but…given that we do have sex pests…why go out of our way to import extra? – CM


One Response

  1. Okay let me get straight.

    First of all pakistani men who indulge such activities are pervert and they are non muslims. Kindly don't confuse muslims with Pakistan. I as a muslim believes that we should respect women. In islam dowry is prohibited, beating a woman is prohibited, raping a woman is prohibited. Muhammad (SAW) puts great emphasis on respecting women. We muslims can't even think on doing such activities because they are haram and these activities doesn't suit us. We don't even eat pork because it has negative aspects. How can you believe we can do such activites? Its even haram to kill a person and that person will go straight to hell. Please before coming to conclusion do some research. that person might be calling himself a muslim but he is not. he doesn't know what islam is. 

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