Here is the Iranian Video Media Claims Doesn’t Exist

ABC, Washington Post, LATimes etc. Mr. Trump walked back his previous statement, but shouldn’t have. It also illustrates that Trump’s instincts about Iran are correct.

Thanks to Conservative Tree House.

Here is a translation of the part of it:

On the day that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (“JCPOA”) to be announced, Islamic Republic of Iran accepted the  proposal that Iranians had in mind to release the hostages. From the time the 4 Americans were arrested on spying charges, America had unsuccessfully pressured the Iranians to release their hostages. Americans had repeatedly demanded release of their spies as a condition of negotiations. Once American’s realized there would be no release of their hostages they decided to continue their negotiations the reduce pressure on the U.S. Government.

Islamic Republic of Iran had a high demand for release of American hostages as following;

  • Release of 7 Iranians from U.S. jails
  • $1.7 billion dollars
  • Not perusing legal action against 16 Americas for violating the unjust U.S. sanctions

But this was not all that Iranians wanted they added removing Bank of “Sepah” from the sanctions list. All of these only for 4 U.S. hostages, a real good wining deal  for the Islamic Republic of Iran to the loss of the Americans.

Democrats were worried that their Republican Presidential candidates would blame the existing U.S. officials  the same way Jimmy Carter got blamed for U.S. hostages…………..


One Response

  1. its not the American "caved in" to Iranian pressure. The Obama adminstration is one long search for the best agent to extinguish Israel. The first order of business was to empower the Islamic Brotherhood in Egypt, the rotherhood being the Mother of Hamas which has conducted three rounds ofwarfare with Israel.

    Once th Islamic brotherhood failed to deliver and the Syrian crisis  broke out the Obama adminstration sought to open th borders around Israel and deluge Israel with refugees. Innumerable visits by igh-rankoffcials did their best to bend Bibi to agree to give cotrol of the Jordan Valley to the UScontrol while alf a million refugees amassed in ordan read t move. Bibi flatly refused, thu saving srael from Euroe's fate.

    As the Sunni upising in Syria failed to dislodge Assad Obama changed horses in the middle of the game (thus the red line crossed and recrossed) to endorse the stronger horse, Assad's patron in Tehran. Fron 2012 on Obama is on an unequivcal quest to empower the ShiiteMuslim regime wit the eventual goal of making it he regional powerr that can challenge and eventually expunge Israel

    Obma is a Muslim. A devout Muslim conot countenance the Jewish State because its very existance countermands basic Islamic dogma rearding the place of Muslms in the world. Thus Bibi is his mortal enemy as he he has demonstrated copiously.   .    

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