Hicks "Obsessed With Parking And Noise"

Three Muslims were killed gthe other day in Chapel Hill, by a neighbor “obsessed with parking and noise,”  who had over many months been feuding with them, as he had been with so many of his other (non-Muslim) neighbors, that a meeting had been held a few months ago to discuss the problem of this loner who was angry about so many things. He argued with everyone over parking spaces, He argued over noises coming from their apartments. He was, one of those neighbors said, an “equal opportunity” problem.

Despite this, and perfectly predictably, Muslim organizations, and the relatives of the people killed, and lots of Muslims all over the world, would liike you to believe that this was an “anti-Muslim hate crime.” Now there are hate crimes. When Mohammed Merah went to a Jewish school in Toulouse, and killed a rabbi and the rabbis’ two small children, and shot the face off yet another child, a six-year-old, people he had never seen before in his life, that was a hate crime. When Ahmed Coulibaly shot to death four Jews at a kosher supermarket at the Porte de Vincenns in Paris, people he knew nothing about, knew only that they were Jews, that was a hate crime. When two men entered the Jewish Museum in Brussels to kill Jews, and did kill four of them, that was a hate crime. When Muslim drivers gunned their cars to run down visitors to Christmas markets in Nantes and Strasbourg, that was a hate crime. When, all over the world, Muslims kill Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Yazidis, and others whom they did not know, had no prior personal quarrel with, and were simply killing those people because they were Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Yazidis, and so no, those  could be called, if one wishes to use the slippery and not-very-accurate term, hate crimes. And we can list the hundred or so passages in the Qur’an that explicitly encourage such attacks on non-Muslims, can adduce as well the stories in the Hadith, those collected by the most authoritative muhaddithin, Al-Bukhari and Muslim, that by any reasonable interpretation inculcate hatred toward non-Muslims, and encourage murderous attacks on them.

The display of pretend-victiimisation, the insistence that an attack on Muslims must necessarily be a “hate crime’ and cannot simply be what, the police and the neighbors and all sensible people understand at once that it was, the mental lapsus of a loner, furious  at the world — and by the way, these attacks over parking spaces happen all the time, happen in northern cities when, for example, one person laboriously digs out a space for himself in the snowy city, only to find that someone else moves his car, or attempts to, into that space (fill up the page, printer,m with exammples over the years of such violence) — was predictable, is dangerous (and if now, because of the disseminated lie that this was an “anti-Muslim hate crime” any Muslim goes after any non-Muslims in putative revenge, those who talked at the Chapel Hill gathering about that “hate crime” should be considered, as they will be, accomplices in the commision of that perfectly conceivable future murder), and was, is, and always will be — disgusting. heir minds. 


One Response

  1. For over 24 hours, CNN headlined the story on their website asking the question: “Was it a hate crime?” No proof offered whatsoever even in their own posted story. Just the fact that the victims happened to be Muslim was sufficient to start the ball rolling. I suppose just the fact of Muslims being killed by a non-Muslim is like finding a four leafed clover , and CNN just wasn’t going to let the opportunity pass by without the unwarranted insinuations. If the perpetrator had been Muslim as well as the victims, do you think CNN would have headlined the story? Or if the perpetrator Muslim and victims non-Muslim, it probably would have been termed home-place violence, and never headlined.

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