Hijab Jihad, Or Aggressive Muslim Behavior In The Workplace Wins One

Here is the story, about the Supreme Court denying a company the right not to employ someone who was well aware of the desire, the business need, of that company to hire salespeople who embodied “the Look” that that company wished its clothes to be identified with, and who did not make clear at the time of her hiring that she would insist on wearing the hijab anyway. 

But what needs now to be done is for someone, some employer, some company, to say that it does not wish to hire people who believe that it is the uncreated and immutable Word of God to say the kinds of things that are found in the Qur’an in so many places, but perhaps especially in Sura 9 (e.g., 9.5 and 9.29), and that it is reasonable to think that someone who identifies as a Muslim may be held to believe. And why should other, non-Muslim employees, or a non-Muslim employer, be expected to endure the company of someone who takes as the Word of God the violence and hatred to be found in the Qur’an, and even more, in the Sunnah. Texts can be adduced, testimony can be found, the historical record and the observable behavior of large numbers of Muslims world-wide toward non-Muslims of very variety brought forth, and the case made, that it is unreasonable to force non-Muslims to hire Muslims, as putting an undue psychic and possibly physical burden on them. No nonsens about “free exercise of religion” is admissible. This is a case of perceived security in the workplace, of the desire of most people not to work with others whom they know believe in texts they deem sacred and that preach hostility, hatred, and aggression against them.

Even if such a case were to be lost, the making of it, the publicizing of the Qur’anic texts, and stories in the Hadith and episodes in the Sira, would be most instructive. And Musilms would be fearful of allowing those texts to be properly identified and publicized in such a court case. Let the lawsuits, deliberately brought on themselves by an individual or individuals or employers, who decide and declare their open intention not to hire Muslims, unless those Muslims openly declare that they do not subscribe to what may be called the “Jihad verses” of the Qur’an (see the Calcutta Qur’an Petition), begin.

Then whatever the outcome in the courts, in the court of public opinion the results will be devastating. And make people, and legislators, think.


One Response

  1. The phrase that non-Muslim employees, and customers, and employers…and citizens of non-Muslim countries into which Muslims are currently flooding…need to start using, over and over, is this – “playing Muslim roulette”. We are weary of this expensive and dangerous game, the “will s/he or won’t s/he, or will they or won’t they, Go Jihad” on me, on us? Because so many Muslims *do*, and the more Muslims there are anywhere, the more likely they are to do it. Probability and statistics shows us that where there are Muslims, there sooner or later, and the more of them the sooner, there is Jihad. Got Muslims? – Got Jihad. Hire Muslims?…well then, sooner or later, you will have Jihad. It’s not worth the risk. Time for Islamoinformed non-Muslims to start insisting, louder and louder, that we have *had* it with the deadly-dangerous game of Muslim Roulette.

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