Hollywood Occupies the White House

By Phyllis Chesler

Douglas Murray nailed it. In today’s NY Post, he presented the last night of the Democrat Convention as stagedĀ as an evening of Academy Awards. A celebrity infomercial. A popular culture extravaganza. A completely staged, scripted, manic, fantasy or a Big Fat Lie. Everything that speakers attributed to Trump was more than true about the last four years of the Biden-Harris administration–and of the Obama administration before them.
Unleashing tyrants in Iran, China, Russia. That’s on the Democrats. Withdrawing American power from Afghanistan–that’s on BIden-Harris. Speaker after speaker projected their own failings onto the Trump administration and in so doing reminds me of what Hamas does in the name of Palestine
I admit it–I kept dropping in and dropping out of the performances–but that’s what I also do for the real Academy Awards.