Home Office worker ‘was lynchpin of plot to let illegal migrants stay’:

From the Daily Mail. A prime example of the law of unintended consequences. Or maybe it was intentional – I have my suspicions. But my generation of “Old School” incorruptible, honest and loyal Civil Servants were cleared out of several government departments in 2007-8, to increase diversity and save money. These ‘gentlemen’ kept their positions, and probably were promoted in our place.

A gang including a Home Office worker masterminded a conspiracy to allow illegal immigrants to stay in the country, a court has heard. Shamsu Iqbal was allegedly the lynchpin of the group that used his ‘trusted’ Home Office position to falsify documents – with investigators identifying 437 potential cases over five years.

The 61-year-old changed the records of migrants who had permission to stay in the UK, giving their identities to people who were in Britain illegally, jurors heard.Iqbal’s co-accused – lawyers Sheikh Muhammad Usman, 45, Mohammad Khawar Aftab Hussain, 49, and Mohammad Ibrahim Ali, 47 – would then allegedly contact the Home Office to ‘straighten out’ the status of ‘impostors’ who had taken on another identity.

 Left to right Shamsu Iqbal,  Mohammed Hussain, Sheikh Muhammad Usman,  Mohammad Ibrahim Ali arriving at Crown Court Croydon

The court heard Iqbal had a secure log-on to a Home Office system known as the Case Information Database, which holds details of applications to remain in the UK.

Investigators found he had been ‘looking at data he should not have been looking at’ while allegedly changing details and issuing documents that could allow people in Britain illegally to remain.

Jurors were told one man, Azad Passa, came to Britain as a child in 1989 before being granted citizenship in 2005. It is alleged his Home Office record was manipulated to submit a fake request for a Biometric Residence Permit identity card – so that it could then be issued to another man, Gufranur Rahaman, who was in the UK on a time-limited student visa.

The court was told that, in the fake application, the address given to the Home Office for Mr Passa was linked to Usman, who represented Mr Rahaman.

The court heard that by February 2016, Home Office investigators had identified 437 potential cases, but these were narrowed down to more than 20 for the ten-week trial, which opened on Thursday, because there was not time to investigate them all.

Iqbal, an administrator working for the asylum workload and administration team, was suspended in May 2015 and sacked in October. Iqbal, Usman, Hussain and Ali had each other’s numbers saved on their mobile phones and data shows they corresponded with one another.

Miss Felix said money went in and out of an account of a south London restaurant in which Iqbal had a business interest, even though the restaurant was shut at the time.

Iqbal, from Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, Usman, from Wandsworth, south London, Hussain from Colliers Wood, south-west London, and Ali, from Ilford, Essex, all deny charges of conspiracy to assist unlawful immigration. 

Ali also faces a count of unlawful possession of two British and 11 Bangladeshi passports relating to someone else, which he also denies. The trial continues.


4 Responses

  1. The corruption detailed in this story is proof that people from shithole countries bring their shit with them when they immigrate. You can take the boy out of Pakistan, but cannot take Pakistan out of the boy.

    Furthermore, I’m rather incensed at Lindsay Graham talking about America as an “idea.” The people create the civilization, civilization does not create the people.

  2. Infiltration and subversion: Muslims – not ‘Pakistanis’, for Pakistani Christians and Hindus, trying to flee horrible Islamic Pakistan, are roadblocked at every turn by Muslims like these within the west, infiltrated into key ‘chokepoint’ or ‘gatekeeper’ positions, who are interested only in assisting fellow Muslims to get into the UK, so as to further the hIjra – getting themselves into key positions within the targeted infidel nation, all the better to destroy it. Realistically, each and every known Muslim within key areas – Defence, Security, Immigration and Citizenship, Social Security/ Welfare, Law and Justice, Police force – of *every* non-Islamic country whether first-world or third-world CANNOT and MUST NOT be trusted. All are most likely working in some way to *destroy* the hated infidel society and further the expansion, power and dominance of Islam, ISlam, Islam.. of the Mohammedan Mob, the Allah Gang, the Ummah. In the USA, Muslim translators and interpreters *do not* translate truthfully; nor do they in any *other* western country, there are persistent reports to this effect… many are the complaints from groups such as the Copts and the Assyrians, that Muslim ‘gatekeepers’ are stymying their attempts to flee, to obtain refuge in majority-nonIslamic countries, whilst assisting *Muslims* to get in by the thousands.

  3. I BET that every single one of the illegal immigrants that these Muslims broke the laws to get into the UK, were Muslims. And I hope that M15 is taking an interest in every single one of those who were thus extra-specially assisted. Frankly, the proper punishment for these four Muslims – three of them called Mohammed; yet another case of Greenfield’s ‘millions of mohammeds’ – would be to give them long jail terms (segregated from non-muslim prisoners, and given NO special accommodations for Islamic practices/ food/ etc – put them on infidel food, don’t provide quran, prayer mat or qibla) and then.. strip them of their UK citizenship status and kick their backsides back to damnable Islamic Pakistan. The fraud they practised is not about their being ‘pakistani’ (ethnically south Asian); it has Islam, Islam, Islam written all over it. – “War is deceit”.
    And in that I would differ from Rebecca Bynum’s assessment. Pakistani *Christians* and *Hindus* and *Sikhs* are NOT like the Muslims. Case in point: see the British Pakistani Christian Association; see Asia Bibi, faithful Confessor of Christ, stubbornly clinging to her faith in the hellhole of an Islamic Prison in Islamic Pakistan. Asia Bibi is exactly the same ethnicity as the Muslims who howl for her blood. But the Christian ‘idea’ – the Christian GOD – makes her a very different kind of person. (And one can see this also in those former Muslims who have left Islam , especially when they become Christian; they *do* become different. It is not that Islam is an epiphenomenon of intrinsic evilness of this or that ‘race’; white westerners, not inbred, with generations of Christian culture behind them, generations of law and culture, can still morph into monsters if they heed the siren song of Islam, its appeal to the basest aspects of the human psyche… which are, according to that awkward old-fashioned traditional Christian doctrine of Sin, just as present in a nice little ‘western’ person as they are in any person born in a third-world country.

    If ‘people create the civilisation’… then where did Christian civilisation come from? Because to be quite frank, if one knows history, one knows our pagan Irish, Germanic, Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian ancestors, or the Roman forebears of the Italians or the pagan Greek forebears of today’s Greeks, were not naturally ‘nicer’ and gentler and sweeter than other parts of the human family; they did not write any part of the Bible; they did not write the Gospels; yehoshuah of Nazareth was not a blonde Scandinavian. Our western pagan forebears not ‘create’ Christianity or Christendom out of their own inner intrinsic niceness and peacefulness and lawabidingness and love of human freedom… rahter the contrary, they required to be *reborn*; when they encountered the Christian faith there was a great deal they had to renounce and repent of, and leave behind them in the deep waters of baptism. Many of them bitterly resisted the new faith, and killed its messengers; it was no more ‘natural’ to them than it has been to any other bunch of pagans, past or contemporary, who have encountered it. Boniface was *martyred* by pagan German barbarians who objected to his converting Germans away from the warlike gods, from Odin and Thor. Our forebears, like those in many other parts of the earth, practised human sacrifices, and slavery on the grand scale (Irish slave raiders kidnapped the Romano-British Christian, Patrick, from the shores of what is now Wales; Patrick escaped and then … returned to evangelise those who had *enslaved* him). One of the rituals of kingship in pre-Christian Ireland involved… public sexual intercourse with a white mare!! The Roman plebs and the Roman aristocracy joyously revelled in the bloody spectacles of the Colosseum. The Jewish – not Western European, not Indo-European – founder of Christianity was torturously killed by a fiendishly-cruel ‘civilised’ pagan Roman invention, Crucifixion.

  4. This kind of subversion, and worse, will continue as long as our ignorance, stupidity, and misplaced
    idealism continue.
    Non-violent jihad will deface and eventually defeat it’s spiritless enemy, us. Kitman and taqiyya are hardly necessary to confuse us since obvious, repeated murderous attacks do not move the vast public to alertness and timely effective action.
    The ‘Trojan hearse’ awaits its passengers. All aboard!

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