Homosexuality and the Future of the US
By Paul Cameron
The second of two large 2023 federal surveys of youth sexuality was released on November 13th. If what the student respondents claimed corresponds closely to their sexual activities and the trends documented continue, the growth of homosexuality and its trans offspring threatens to end U.S. society as we know it.
Table 1 summarizes findings from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey for high school students [hereafter HS] and the National Survey on Drug Use and Health for 12-to-17-year-olds [hereafter NSDUH]. The HS report sampled classrooms but failed to separate outcomes by sex; the NSDUH report interviewed respondents individually and separated outcomes by sex. In the HS, the decline of heterosexuals and the increase in homosexuals is evident from 2001 to 2023. The NSDUH, which included those in Jr. High, is consistent with the HS findings and suggests possible further shrinkage of heterosexuality in favor of homosexuality as the Jr. High students age. Both surveys report that girls are “going gay” or “going trans” about two to three times more frequently than boys are. As only females can get pregnant, these findings suggest that future cohorts of HS graduates will have even fewer babies. As regularly found in surveys separating respondents by sexual preferences, both surveys registered youthful LGBTs as more troubled and socially costly.
Nobody knows how far and how fast homosexuality can grow and heterosexuality shrink in a large modern society. The U.S. may be the first to yield good estimates. Unfortunately, Table 1 suggests that there may be limited time to slow or stop the growth of homosexuality and consequent shrinkage of heterosexuality: In 2023 heterosexuality led homosexuality by about 5:1, but two decades ago heterosexuality was ahead 18:1. Are we on track to be at about 1:1 in another decade? Similarly, those claiming to be sure of their sexuality outweighed the unsure about 37:1 early in our century; but by 2023 only outweighed the unsure by about 13:1. Notice that trans has grown from nothing to affecting about 5% of High Schoolers. The NSDUH study, because it included Jr. High students, may indicate that the cohort of future high school students will even more frequently claim to be homosexual and be even less apt to claim heterosexuality.
Table 1 is a summary of teenagers’ responses to questionnaires. Since the agency behind the questionnaires admits to seeking to aid LGBTs, some respondents might have sought to please the authors of the questionnaire. Further, the distance between what respondents say and what they do is often considerable. But, on their face, these responses should concern anyone who expects to retire in a few years with social security.
After: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/73/su/su7304a6.htm#T1_ YRBS
Estimated from https://www.samhsa.gov/data/sites/default/files/reports/rpt53083/2023-nsduh-lgb-infographi c-report.pdf p. 14
As noted in 1978,[1] the sexes are so different, the homosociality of the sexes so strong, the orgastic rewards of homosexuality so easy, and the recruitment efforts of homosexuals toward children so intense that any society presenting homosexuality as acceptable as heterosexuality will not endure. As a recent foretaste of this, during 2012-2021, half the U.S. child molestations that made Google News, were victimized homosexually. Ultimately, homosexuality will come to dominate and sharply reduce births. Homosexuals’ lifestyle makes them good at filling hospital beds, not cribs. If we are concerned about the birth dearth today when we have a TFR of 1.6, how much more a decade hence?
US society’s legal, political, educational, and entertainment systems are actively aiding the recruitment efforts of homosexuals. Further, homosexuals are apparently being allowed to hire others of their suasion into their place of employment (especially government bureaucracies; many surveys report DC has the highest LGBT proportion of all U.S. cities; by the early 1980s, the LGBT footprint had recovered from President Eisenhower’s 1953 attempted purge of homosexuals from the federal government in response to the 1950 Hoey report[2]). CDC employees have told us that the homosexual footprint among CDC staff far exceeded their footprint within the general population. Might this footprint be affecting government reports as to completeness or tilt? Consider SAMHSA [which published the NSDUH report] which states in this very report that it “is committed to eliminating health inequities experienced by the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or intersex (LGBTQI+) community, including LGBTQI+ youths. As such, SAMHSA has several efforts focused on LGBTQI+ people, including issuing funding announcements focused on sexual and gender minorities, expanding data collection efforts to capture the experiences of LGBTQI+ people more accurately, and issuing guidance to states and communities on using federal funding to support mental health services for LGBTQI+ youths. For more information, see https://www.samhsa.gov/behavioral-health-equity/lgbtqi.”
Possible evidence of homosexuals “hiring-in” others of similar sexual persuasion [3] might account for the NSDUH report lacking specific numbers of respondents – a serious violation of accepted scientific protocol. Perhaps this accounts for why it is I, instead of the CDC, raising the alarm about the apparent increase in homosexuality and decrease in heterosexuality amongst our youth.
The tremendous increase in illegal immigration by younger men might serve to replenish the U.S. military, but how long can the U.S. maintain its defense in such a manner? Can we continue to produce the goods and services to sustain the population while neglecting the declining number of babies? Indeed, we may have already arrived at a point in which it will prove exceedingly difficult to modify the attention and honors given to homosexuality sufficiently to assure that heterosexuality regains its normative status. How sustained an effort would be necessary toward vigorously condemning, instead of glorifying homosexuality, for children to forget its current lionization? The continuance of Western civilization may well hinge upon the answers.
Refs: [1] Cameron P. A case against homosexuality. Human Life Review, Vol 4, no. 3, 17-49.
[2] see Adkins J Congressional investigations and the Lavender Scare Prologue Magazine Summer 2016, Vol 48, No. 2. The Hoey congressional report had concluded homosexuals had a “bad influence on the young, and attracted others of their kind to government service” “This clandestine camaraderie they establish necessarily brings to Government people of homosexual tendencies. Even though you hire him as a janitor, he tends to bring in a fellow who might become chief of the division” and concluded: “One homosexual can pollute a Government Office.”
[3] Ibid.
First published in Renew America