How Biden deflects corruption, keeps supporters in tow

by Steve Hecht

The Joe Biden regime has maintained support with lies, suppression of truth, and demonization of enemies. The regime wants a government shutdown to blame “MAGA” Republicans and characterize them as extremists. As legitimate investigations into corruption are circling the White House, the response continues to be name-calling, while regime media provide cover.

meeting between Biden and congressional leadership on May 9 will highlight the debt ceiling. Representative James Comer (R-KY) will lead a press conference on May 10 regarding the Biden family’s business dealings. Rational examination of the issues in either case by regime supporters, or even compromise with the enemy, would threaten the regime’s hold on power.

The regime survives because its followers fear supposed evil Republicans and dismiss evidence of regime duplicity as partisan politics. Continuity of this demonization rules out compromise. A Biden compromise with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) would validate at least some Republican positions.

Biden said Republicans are “pretty well divided” and dominated by the MAGA faction, which is willing to accept a debt default unless Biden agrees to its demands. Republicans hold 222 seats in the House and Democrats 213. The “Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023” passed by 217–213. A vote of 217 of 222 Republicans shows unity, not division. Either extremists do not control House Republicans or the entire caucus is extreme.

Biden claims that without a higher debt ceiling there will be a default. He also claims Republicans are demanding draconian cuts as a condition to lift the debt ceiling.

Both assertions are false. Twenty-one government shutdowns since 1976 have not triggered any debt defaults. By law, most government agencies must furlough their nonessential personnel and stop or limit their activities. Only about 12 percent of federal spending is needed to service the debt.

The bill increases the debt ceiling by $1.5 trillion. It requires limiting the growth of future expenditures to 1 percent yearly over 10 years and cuts some recent spending increases—hardly draconian.

Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) wrote a letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) that 43 Republican senators will not vote to permit cloture on a bill to increase “the debt ceiling without substantive spending and budget reform.”

No Republican legislator wants the United States to default on its debt. The Biden regime lies about it as part of the false narrative that Republicans are destroying democracy.

The regime will also use this demonization to distract from the emerging Biden family corruption scandal from the House Oversight Committee. Chairman Comer has stated he has evidence that at least nine Biden family members have received money from foreign sources disguised through multiple front companies. There is no explanation for what they did in exchange for the money.

Comer has subpoenaed an FBI document he said “raises concerns that then Vice-President Biden allegedly engaged in a bribery scheme with a foreign national.” He added, “The American people need to know if President Biden sold out the United States of America to make money for himself.” The FBI must deliver the document by May 10.

We have seen the Biden regime’s unequal application of justice. The FBI had the Hunter Biden laptop for one year before the 2020 election. Not only did they not investigate the laptop’s contents, they went to Twitter to censor the information once the laptop became available to the media. No doubt the FBI went to other social media, while regime media suppressed the story.

White House spokesman Ian Sams said: “For going on five years now, Republicans in Congress have been lobbing unfounded, unproven, politically motivated attacks against the president and his family without offering evidence for their claims.” They know their supporters will ignore the evidence because it comes from the evil ones, but evidence from the FBI would be damning. This suggests the regime will not comply with Comer’s subpoena.

In typical totalitarian fashion, the Biden regime portrays its enemies as doing exactly what it does: attempting to destroy our democratic republic in favor of a one-party state run by it. Despite saying the words of democracy, the Biden regime is the most anti-liberty administration in our history. Unless we understand its nature and its strategy and tactics and counter them, our liberty is vulnerable.

We should not be deceived by regime lies. We will not default on our debt even with a shutdown. Republicans have done their part to avoid a shutdown. If it happens, it will be because the Biden regime believes it can benefit from blaming it on Republicans.

We must carefully look at the evidence the House is producing about Biden and his family. We cannot afford to have a president that is compromised by foreign adversaries and willing to commit crimes to further his handlers’ agenda.

First published in BizPac Review.


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