How Do You Lose 130,000 People?

Actually, the German Government finds it remarkably simple. In 2015 the German state allowed 1,100,000 Islamic migrants to enter the country. Now a mere 130,000 have disappeared without a trace. From a percentage stand point that is almost 12% of the newly arrived 2015 Muslim migrants.

Let’s do some math. What if only 1% is violent? That computes to 1,300 Jihadis.Ten Jihadis managed to kill over 180 people in Mumbai. In Paris about 8 killed nearly 140. Why would anyone wish to disappear in generous Germany and forgo their extremely lucrative benefits? There are only two reasons. First if you are a Muslim you are allowed to steal the infidel’s possessions and claim them for your own. This could even be more lucrative than being on the Germanic dole. But even more sinister are Jihadis who want to kill German infidels. Then there are the sexual terrorists. Islam teaches and urges them to rape every German woman they wish.

Let’s take a more reasonable percentage. What if 20% of the missing 130,000 is a terrorist, rapist or thief. That is 26,000 Muslims  who wish to kill, rape and steal. The German Government by their on admission have no idea where these monsters are located. That is 1,000 terror cells composed of ten Jihadis each with 16,000 thieves and rapists left over. The German police will be overwhelmed.

Islam is at war with the West whether we acknowledge the fact or not. The figure of 26,000 Muslim malefactors let loose on a prosperous and peaceful Germany is beyond our capacity to understand. The potential for carnage and suffering is unlimited.

The Soldiers of Allah have invaded Germany.



2 Responses

  1. Thank you for your realistic point of view on this problem. It seems the Germans have lost their mind to let these people uncontrolled and many of them unregistered to enter and circulate in their country. Many of them have been discovered to own multiple passports and lacking the fingerprint database they collected multiple benefits. This is a great source to finance Jihad. German Chancellor Merkel should be awarded the Chamberlain traitor prize of this millenium. She also invited any human being on this earth that is able to buy fake Turkish passport to enter and claim benefits in any European country since June this year. The war is closer than we think.

  2. If the Germans wanted to find them they could start by surprise-searching the bl**dy mosques; every known mosque in Germany. Using the army. Around the time of ‘Friday prayers’ so as to catch the maximum number of mohammedans. Swoop, with overwhelming force. use all your cops, all your soldiers, swear in suitably-able-bodied citizens if need be. Raid, and keep raiding, lightning fast; might be a good idea also, when doing it, to shut down the mobile phone networks in the immediate area… even turn the power off. Search, fingerprint, DNA check *every person* thus apprehended. And search the mosques and all associated premises, using sniffer dogs. And interrogate the imams etc. I *bet* you’d find some of the missing mohammedans, at least. Everything begins and ends at the mosque. The mosque is the nerve centre. So… start with the mosques! And.. anything , er, ‘funny’ found at any mosque… raze the damn thing to the ground, once the evidence is collected and recorded. Boom, boom, boom. This is a war. Time to target and take out the Enemy’s Forward Operating Bases.

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