How To Put It

We are not going to welcome, we have no obligation to accept into our midst, those who do not accept, unfeigningly, the laws and customs and understandings of our country. If it is for some reason impossible for you ever to accept those laws and customs and understandings, and it is reasonable to expect that you will bring permanent unsettlement, expense, and danger to us, then we do not think it unjust or unreasonable for us not to welcome  you, not to encourage you to stay by chaning our ways, and throwing ever more money at you — say, by paradoxicallly taking money that might better be spent on those among the unemployed who want to work, who have not exhibited, over a long period, an unwillingness to work or a belief that a level of employment beyond what is merited should be automatically granted, and giving it to those who have never demonstrated an eagerness to work, have adopted the lives of petty criminals, who in a hundred ways demonstrate a contempt for the laws, the forces of order, the rules of society, because those laws, those forces of orde, those rules of society, are the product of non-Muslims and reflect values that are flatly contradicted by the Qur’an, the Hadith, the Sira. Neither France, nor any other country in the advanced West, has an obligation to increase the expense and danger to its own citizens, to undo its own ways, to endanger the survival of the country in the face of those who have arrived, but not all of whom, it is clear, have any intention of accepting their obligations, and instead expect their hosts to transform themselves.