Idiotic "Celebration" Of Abercrombie Decision

A Sikh, deeply misinformed about Islam — no knowledge of how Sikhism itself originates in the desire to create a fighting faith (and not just a warrior caste, like the kshatriya, in Hidnuism) that could fight the Muslim overlords in India, nor about the history of Muslim depredeations and murder of Sikhs (in Pakistan, right up to the present) — was put up to the job to celebrate the “proud diversity” that is supposedly affirmed by the Supreme Court decision. (Perhaps the writer is forgetting about Islam altogether, and thinking only of possible limits on the wearing of turbans. But a turban does not bear an aggressive message, and anyone coming into Heathrow, and seeing those Sikh turbans, breathes a sigh of relief, knowing that the Sikhs, at least, are going to be sufficiently wary of Muslim passengers and are less likely to put up with the nonsense that others may endure).


There are those non-Muslims in the West who would never knowingly give their custom to a Muslim-owned business, or to a  store (shop) where a Muslim worker is obviously visible. Is that an act of baseless bigotry or a perfectly understandable act? Is it unreasonable to hold Muslims to knowledege of what is in the Qur’an, Hadith, and Sira, and to be aware of what effect that has on the minds of Muslims? Even if not all Believers or Identifiers with the faith agree with or act on what is inculcated, by merely continuing to identify  themselves as Muslims, by demographically swelling Muslim ranks, by obscuring or deflecting attention from the texts and teachings of Islam,  they promote Islam, protect Islam (even silently), and make the Western world safer for Islam. They are aiding, and what’s more abetting, the spread and then the dominance of Islam. In such circumstances, in the West, there is no reason to pretend that  the Abercrombie decision is just fine, and that you would be happy to visit an Abercrombie store, or any other store, where a bearded man with short pants, or a woman in a hijab, is waiting to wait on you.

And should I, should you, be forced to hire someone for our own one-man or tiny shops — Abercrombie is a big chain —  if we owned such shops, someone who now, by calling himself a Muslim, is telling us that he believes that what is in the Qur’an — including the more than 100 blood-curdling Jihad verses — comes from God, He Who Must Be Obeyed.