If Columbus Was a Jew….
by Phyllis Chesler
If Columbus was really a Jew how long before the brainwashed anti-American elites start blaming Jews for having #colonized the New World and given smallpox to the native-Americans–even though the crowned heads of Europe (not a Jew among them) financed Columbus and other explorers for the purpose of enriching their kingdoms with gold, silver, sugar, precious jewels, brews, (chocolate), drugs, (opium), all found in Central and South America, North America, and India? Wanna blame it all on European Jews and Christians? Not so fast. Let’s not forget that Muslims also plundered and colonized the immediate world (the Middle East, the Middle East, central and South Asia, parts of Europe), genocidally murdering infidels, converting them into dhimmis (second or third class citizens), capturing women, girls, and young boys as sex slaves, the men and the dark-skinned Africans as slaves.
First published in Substack.