Imam Speaking in Orlando Said Gays Must Be Killed Out of ‘Compassion’

Patrick Poole writes in PJ Media.

There is new information on the horrific terror attack in Orlando last night that has killed at least 50 and wounded more than 100 in the largest mass shooting in American history.

Sources are telling the Daily Beast that suspected killer Omar Mateen had previously been investigated by the FBI in 2013 and 2014, making this yet another “known wolf” terror attack:


Omar Mateen of Port Saint Lucie, Florida, came to the attention of federal authorities twice prior to being identified as the gunman in the Orlando nightclub mass shooting, a senior law enforcement source told The Daily Beast.


Mateen 53 people and shot more than 100 in total at the Pulse gay nightclub early Sunday morning, in the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history.


The senior law enforcement source reports that Mateen became a person of interest in 2013 and again in 2014. The Federal Bureau of Investigation at one point opened an investigation into Mateen but subsequently closed the case when it produced nothing that appeared to warrant further investigation.

“He’s a known quantity,” the source said. “He’s been on the radar before.”


Mateen was a U.S. citizen; his parents are from Afghanistan, CBS News reports.


The FBI is already circling the wagons that Marteen was just “one of hundreds” of ISIS sympathizers known to the FBI.

In fact, an imam speaking in Orlando in April said that killing gays according to Islamic law should be done “out of compassion.”



2 Responses

  1.   Law enforcement reassures us once again that this was just a "lone wolf" attack. At this rate, one must conclude that  the wolf is no longer an endangered species in the Lower 48.

  2. Massacre in Orlando

    I spent the entire monh of May in Irael with many days at the beach along the sandy shore of Tel Aviv and Bat-Yam.  In Israel May 2016 was Gay Pride Month and all the beaches porudly flew the rainbow "gay flag". The thousands of proudly flying flags abruptly stopped at the entrance to Jaffa so as not to "offend" the Arab Muslim popuation.

    The perpetrator who phoned 911 to announce what he intended to do in the name of Islam is still referred to by the entire media, U.S government and law enforcement officials as "the suspect". Nothing will shake this country from its eternal slumber of political correctness unless perhaps, a groundswell of public opinion becomes a tidal wave  in favor of Donald Trump.

    Scores of dead young Americans, most of them Hispanics and gays should remember today and what to expect from 4 years of Hillary Clinton .

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