Immigration of Cultures Hostile to the West Must End
America is a country of immigrants. In 2021, I co-led a grassroots team that rescued almost 400 endangered women from Afghanistan; some went to Europe, some came here. Over the years, I have submitted affidavits for at least ten Muslim women in flight from being honor killed and in search of political asylum. Their legal team interviewed them. I also did and found their testimonies entirely credible.
Call me a racist or an Islamophobe, (and many have), and you’d only be exposing your own considerable ignorance.
On May 5th, lawyers filed a suit against the Davidson County School District on Christian’s behalf.
Immigration is about Islamism, about idiotically welcoming cultures that fiercely oppose human rights, women’s rights, democracy, fact-based truth, tolerance of difference, respect for intellectual diversity; cultures that practice female genital mutilation (FGM), honor killing, Jew and infidel hatred, those who wish to live lives apart in accordance with their interpretation of Shari’a law, and who dream of a Caliphate replacing a Western way of life.
Not all Muslims are Islamists. Many have come to the West to enjoy our freedoms. Those Muslims whom I know and with whom I work, are the bravest of dissidents and free-thinkers. Many support Israel. Some are ex-Muslims, others have converted to another religion or have become atheists. Some are religious Muslims who seek to reform Islam. They could not hold such views and safely remain in Muslim countries.
Thus, while all Muslims are not terrorists, (how many times must one say this?), all 21st century terrorist attacks in the West and in Israel, have been carried out by Muslims.
To repeat: Immigration is not about race. Not all Muslims are persons of color or share the same skin-color. Many are olive-brown-or black-skinned but some are not. The problem with Islam is not about race but about culture, about tribal and religious customs overruling Western customs and laws of the land.
Immigration is also about how Islamists who have immigrated legally have chosen to use our laws and our political processes in order to implement Shari’a law and Muslim tribal customs.
Immigration is about economics — how many non-violent immigrant “dreamers,” in flight from persecution or in search of an economic future, can America afford to subsidize in terms of housing, food, education, medical and dental care? And for how long? President Biden’s belief that immigrants will take low-paying jobs that will benefit big business totally overlooks the potential job losses for working poor citizens.
Immigration is about the wisdom or suicidal foolishness of opening our borders to unvetted floods of criminal drug lords, human traffickers, Islamic Jihadists — and to those who do not wish to work, learn English, or assimilate into a Judeo-Christian West.
Immigration is about certain cultural differences that may be — indeed, that have proven to be — insurmountable.
This is true for drug and human traffickers from Central and South America and for Jihadists from the Middle East and Central Asia.
Wait a minute. What if those who engage in such practices were born in America?
I have no easy answers for us but these are questions that we must wrestle with and resolve before it is too late.
First published in The American Spectator