In Defense of Donald Trump on Muslims

Donald Trump has single-handedly moved the ball forward on Islam. He is posing a question: Given that we have a problem with radical Islamic terrorism, from whence does the problem originate? His answer: from within the Muslim community.

Now, within that Muslim community, no one seems to be able to tell who is radical and who is not – in advance of an attack, that is. How, then, are we to be able to screen these people? If that question is allowed to stall, will it ever be posed again? Will all the follow-up questions ever be posed, such as, even if terrorism doesn’t come from those Muslims who have recently entered the country, what are the chances it will come from their children and grandchildren and on down through the generations? As long as they remain Muslim, will the siren song of violent jihad ever be silenced? And even without violent jihad, will some of our communities be transformed into Muslim-only enclaves as has happened in Europe?

These are serious questions and Donald Trump has opened the door for them to be asked. The media, afraid as always of the answers to the questions above, want to slam the door shut, but they won’t succeed. It’s too late, the door has been opened and even if Donald Trump doesn’t become President, he has moved this issue forward and for that he deserves our gratitude and support.