In Israel, More and More, People Understand: "Forget About Waiting For Peace With Islam"

Thus the caption of a  ruthlessly-clearheaded op ed by one Victor Sharpe that was published by Israel National News on Wednesday 28 October 2015.

Op: Ed: Forget About Waiting For Peace With Islam”.

‘Negotiations?  One error after another in undestanding the mindset of the Islamic world has led us (and by ‘us’ one might well choose to understand not only the Jewish state of Israel but every infidel polity world-wide – CM) to where we are today.

Even if Israel shrank to one downtown city block in Tel Aviv, the Arab and Muslim world would still not recognize a Jewish state or agree to live with it in peace and harmony”.

Much of the Islamic world now feels empowered, as perhaps never before, to seek global domination. This is the tangible and growing threat to the world; not global warming.

“What we have witnessed for far too long are Israeli leaders constantly making endless concession to the deceitful leaders of the terrorist crime family known as the Palestinian Authority.”

‘In 2008 I wrote an article published as an Op-Ed titled, “Forget Waiting For Peace” which included those sadly prescient sentences.  

‘It is heartbreaking to look, in this year 2015, at what I feared would unfold for Israel those seven long years ago.

‘Those words were written during the time of the baleful Olmert government, when whatever the “terrorist in a suit”, Mahmoud Abbas, demanded, Ehud Olmert was more than happy to concede.

‘By turning a blind eye to nearly every Palestinian Arab (that is: “Palestinian Arab Muslim” – CM) provocation and act of naked aggression, irrespective of the immense peril that his deplorable capitulation to Islamic terror inflicted upon the Jewish state, Ehud Olmert was, alas, just one more Israeli leader who brought Israel to an unnecessarily perilous position in the world.

‘The reality of what I have been writing and warning about for so long is now even more stark today as Muslim Arabs, those who call themselves Palestinians, gleefully engage in an orgy of hate and mruder against their Jewish victims throughout the towns and villages of Israel.

Nota bene, journalists all over the Infidel world.  Nota bene, Sophie McNeill and Anne Barker and Matt Brown of Australia’s ABC.  Note well that phrase, “Muslim Arabs, those who call themselves ‘Palestinians'”.  That is the way to talk, and write, about these particular local representatives of the Ummah, or Mohammedan Mob. One could, perhaps, fine-tune a little, viz:  “Arab Muslims, those who call themselves ‘Palestinians'”. Or, ‘”Palestinian” Arab Muslims”.  Or just..”Muslims”. – CM

‘Endless concessions to them by Israel over so many wasted years has emboldened them, so that now even Jewish holy places are being claimed as Islamic.  The very Kotel itself (the Western Wall) is being claimed as a Muslim religious site.

‘Meanwhile, Jewish holy sites are burned down, as was Joseph’s tomb recently by a Muslim mob in Nablus, what was Biblical Jewish Shechem, now occupied by the Palestinian Authority. And, of course, deafening silence ensues from a morally compromised world.

‘In a Satanic decision by UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, an infamous resolution has just been passed, listing as Muslim sites the Jewish Cave of the Patriarchs in Hevron, the burial place of the Jewish patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, along with Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem.

‘Just as I wrote in 2008, Islam will never accept Israel unless Islamic theology and ideology undergoes a reformation; but it cannot do and still be called Islam.

‘That said, there is no future for the Jewish state if it believes that the Muslim world will ever accept it in a true and lasting peace.

‘What madness imprisons the minds of so many Israeli leaders that they shrink from removing this Jew-hating pestilence from the Jewish homeland?

‘Israel has to accept the dismal fact that it cannot ever have peaceful Muslim neighbours who will not at every opportunity wish to destroy it.  Israel must continue to prosper and thrive as a state in the knowledge that it can never let down its guard.

For Israel, in that paragraph, and the one above, substitute also the name of any Infidel-majority polity on the face of the earth. For ‘Jew-hating’, then read, more broadly,  “Infidel-hating” or “Kuffar-hating”, and for “Jewish”, read “Infidel” or “Kuffar”. And then one can see that Mr Sharpe’s advice and counsel is valid far, far beyond the boundaries of Israel.  It is valid everywhere that Infidel polities are unfortunate enough to find themselves with a Muslim fifth column within their gates and / or Muslim-dominated countries next door. – CM

‘Even with an Arab (that is, ‘Arab Muslim’ – CM) sword of Damocles hanging over it, Israel can survive and grow.

‘Though the Jewish state yearns for peace, as all other civilized societies do, this very external threat can be turned to great advantage militarily, politically, spiritually, socially, scientifically, and economically.

Nothing keeps internal divisions at bay more than when the barbarians are at the gate. But do not let them exist within the gate.

‘Since the great Zionist leaders of the likes of Theodor Herzl, Ze’ev Jabotinsky, Menachem Begin and Yitzchak Shamir passed from the scene, there has been a long and depressing parade of weak Israeli leaders and politicians who have brought needless disaster down upon the state.

Too many Israeli Prime Ministers have been resistant to accepting the awful truth that even if Israel shrank to one down-town city block in Tel Aviv, the Arab and Muslim world would still not recognize a Jewish state or agree to live with it in peace and harmony.

Why would it not?

‘The answer to that question is Islam itself.

To repeat, louder this time.  “Why would it not?  THE ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION IS ISLAM ITSELF”.

I hope that someone will send Mr Sharpe’s op-ed to the Indian Prime Minister, PM Modi. Because that is also the situation for India. And for the Philippines. And Thailand. And Myanmar. And Russia. And China. And the Balkans. And, today, all of Europe, as countries – especially France, Germany, the UK, Belgium, Norway, Denmark, Sweden – begin to discover just what it means to have Muslims, large and aggressive and growing colonies of Muslims, within the gates. Canada, Australia, the USA, even South Korea, are just beginning to discover what happens when Muslims settle inside the gates, and begin to feel that they are strong. – CM

True peace can never be achieved betwen Muslim and non-Muslim nations.

‘Islam mandates the faithful to spread their religion through territorial conquest and forced conversion, or, as in the case of Israel, by reclaiming what Muslims believe that they have lost.

And those hapless non-Muslim peoples who fall under Islamic occupation live as dhimmis, third-class citizens (or, in truth, non-citizens, Untermenschen – CM), forced to pay an onerous tax called the jizya if they wish to survive.

‘With what is descending like a terrible plague upon Europe, and soon upon the United States and Canada, if Barack Hussein Obama and Justin Trudeau have their way (and upon Australia and New Zealand, also, and any number of other countries in the Pacific, the Caribbean, Africa, Latin Americ,  if their current crop of politicians do not wake up, and fast – CM) perhaps it would be wise to look back at warnings of mine through the years.

1/ Dhimmitude for Dummies [note: in the original article there is a link.  Go to the original, then click and read. – CM]

The tragedy is that no possibility exists whatsoever in any attempt past, present or future, at reconciliation with Islam or its adherents by members of other faiths or ideologies.

That is why Israeli concessions and attempts to make peace with the Holocaust-denying Abbas and the overwhelmingly-Muslim Palestinian Arabs who are indoctrinated to Jew-hatred from birth is doomed to failure, and merely imperils Israel’s survival.

‘Ecumenical parleys with imams are doomed to failure and are exercises in utter futility.

Are you listening, Nigel Welby? Are you listening, Pope Francis I? This is what you, and many, many other naive and well-meaning Infidel religious leaders the world over, need to get through your heads, and fast. – CM

‘Non-Muslims should learn what the Arabic word taqiyyah  implies and means.

And there are a lot of other words, too, that it would be well to understand – muruna, muda’rat, kitman, taysir, and last but not least, darura. – CM

Even though the native and indigenous peoples of Israel are the Jews, and even if the Land of Israel was given to the Jewish people some 4000 years ago in an eternal covenant with HaShem, it does not matter to Islam, for wherever the Muslim foot has once trod triumphant, that territory is forever regarded by them as Islamic.

If such territory is lost to Muslims, then Allah has been diminished, and the land must be retaken, however long it takes.

And that applies not only to Israel.  Here are other places to which this megalomaniacal Muslim irredentist project applies.  Spain. Portugal. Malta.  A swathe of southern France, as far as Poitiers.  Much of southern Italy.  All of the Balkans as far as the gates of Vienna, including Greece, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Serbia, much of Romania and Hungary.   A vast swathe of southern Russia, and also Georgia, and Armenia.  South Sudan. East Timor. Most of India.  All, all, all, previously invaded and seized by Muslim armies, and ruled by viciously-cruel Muslim overlords, to the vast detriment of the indigenous peoples, their languages and cultures, and the very land itself.  – CM 

Peace, then, is merely a mirage in the desert sands.

Yes.  Because, for the pious Muslim, the Muslim who takes Islam fully to heart,  there can be no ‘peace’ until all of the world – not merely lands previously seized by Islam, but all lands everywhere – is ruled by Muslims, and the sharia of Islam is imposed willy-nilly upon all of humanity. That and that alone is what Muslims mean by ‘peace’.  – CM

‘World leaders fail to understand the Muslim mind-set, or ignore it if it feeds their own anti-semitism.

‘Israeli leaders, who of all people should know better, still fall into the fatal trap of believing that the Western model of lasting peace between nation-states can equally apply in the Middle East (or, for that matter, anywhere else in the whole wide world! – CM) between Muslim and non-Muslim nations.  It is a fallacy.

‘The conflict between Israel and the (overwhelmingly-Muslim – CM) Arabs in general, and between Israel and those who call themselves Palestinians (not bad, but let’s fine-tune this even further – ‘those who call themselves “Palestinians” – CM) is not territorial.

It is theological and ideological.  It is part of the existential conflict that has existed between Islam and the rest of the world since the 7th century.

To expand: It is part of the merciless war that the Ummah or Mohammedan Mob, the de facto or de jure Empire of Islam, has been waging upon the whole of the rest of the world since the 7th century.  It is merely one front in the latest phase of the Global Jihad. – CM

‘Much of the Islamic world now feels empowered, as perhaps never before, to seek global domination with renewed vigour. This is the tangible, real and growing threat to the world; not (or, as some, such as Hugh Fitzgerald and myself, would write – “even more imminent and dreadful than” – CM) global warming.

‘The policies of the Jewish state must be ordered within the recognition of that reality; somber and depressing as it may be.

‘But only when world leaders (that is: ‘other Infidel world leaders’ – CM) understand the nature of Islam’s theological rejection of a genuine and irrevocable peace with Israel (or with any other Infidel state whatsoever, anywhere – CM) and Israeli leaders realize the uselessness, nay, treason, of trading tangible and ancestral land for a delusional peace, will a long and overdue realism finally enter the conflict.

India, Philippines, Thailand:  are you also listening to this?  No matter what you concede to Muslims, there. will. be.  no . peace. – CM

‘What we have witnessed for far too long are Israeli leaders constantly making endless concession to the deceitful leaders of the terrorist crime family known as the “Palestinian Authority”.  

‘Mahmoud Abbas, successor to the execrable arch-terrorist (or “jihad gang boss” – CM) Yasser Arafat, is a miserable terrorist (sic: ‘an amoral gang boss, a capo dei capi of the Mohammedan Mob’ – CM) in a suit, whose crimes should place him beyond the pale for every Israeli and world leader.

This self-proclaimed President of the  Palestinian Authority and Chairman of the PLO, is interested only in taking whatever he can from foolish Israeli leaders and giving nothing, absolutely nothing, in return, because as a Muslim he is not permitted to make peace with non-Muslims.  Period.

To repeat, “‘taking whatever he can, and giving nothing, absolutely nothing, in return, because AS A MUSLIM HE IS NOT PERMITTED TO MAKE PEACE WITH NON-MUSLIMS.  PERIOD.”   Every foreign non-Muslim journalist and diplomat who steps foot in Israel should be sat down and made to read this essay by Victor Sharpe, suitably translated into their mother tongues, before they leave even ‘Arrivals’ in the airport.  Read it not once, but ten times over, and then answer a comprehension test on its contents.  And then let’s see if any of it, any at all, manages to stick in their minds. – CM

‘Yet so many liberal and left-wing Jews and Christians (and it isn’t just those on the ‘left-wing’ either, alas, it’s all too many on all sides – CM) remain infuriatingly blind to this simple fact.

‘What abject fools they are.

2/ ‘Two-State Solution’.

‘In 2008 I warned about the delusion of ever finding peace with Islam, and in 2009 I wrote a published article, reminding readers at that time that there had already been a Two State Solution [link in original article – CM], carried out some 93 years ago.

‘That historic reality negates the forced creation of a second Arab state (sic: “a second Arab Islamic state” – CM) within the geographical territory once known as ‘Palestine’. 

‘New Israeli leaders must look to the Torah (the first five books of the Bible) and into their own people’s Biblical history in the TaNaKh (the Hebrew Bible).  

‘They must see again the nature of their enemies as spelled out in crystal clarity by the Almighty through the words of the Jewish prophet Jeremiah:

“They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious, saying, ‘Peace, Peace”, but there is no peace.  We looked for peace, but no good came; and for a time of health, and behold, trouble.”

‘I think of the disasters that Israeli leaders like Rabin, Peres and Yossi Beilin have brought upon the Jewish state.

‘They were the architects of the Oslo Peace Accords, which we now more accurately call the Oslo War.

‘The premise of those failed Accords, which have inflicted terrible death and suffering on thousands of Israelils, was that Israel accept that its ancestral and Biblical lands could be given away to implacable Muslim Arab enemies, in order to make them peaceful and accept what was left of the Jewish state.

‘The midrash, which includes rabbinic interpretations of biblical passages, teaches that the Jewish people are like sheep among seventy wolves.

That is interesting.  Throws a new light on the words of Our Lord to his disciples, when he told them, behold, I send you out as sheep among wolves…– CM

‘Only the great Shepherd (the One and Only G-d, invisible and indivisible) can protect them from all of their enemies.  Jews are instructed to do what they can to defend themselves.

Hmm.  I think again of Our Lord: “be ye harmless as doves, and as wise as serpents”.  In dealing with the Ummah or Mohammedan mob, it strikes me that it is not only the leaders of Israel but many, many other Infidel leaders, both political and religious, who have failed wretchedly in the ‘wisdom’ department. – CM

‘But at this time it seems that no present or recent Israeli  government has been able to fulfil the task of effectively protecting the residents of Israel or of permanently removing from their midst this modern-day existential threat of Amalek.

And these days it is not only Israel who find themselves with ‘Amalek’ in their midst: Amalek, merciless, implacable, constantly threatening and revelling in murder, and preferring always to prey upon ‘soft’ targets – the least aware, the most vulnerable.  The biblical and extra-biblical Hebrew concept of ‘Amalek’ – whether one reads it in a theological/ historical or in a psychological and poltical sense – is worthy of deep consideration by all Infidels who love and affirm Life.

‘It was the Prophet Joel who reminded his fellow Jews millennia ago that the Land of the Covenant must never be given away, for as he said, “In those days, and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all nations, and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat.  There I will enter into judgement against them, concerning my inheritance, My people Israel, for they scattered my people among the nations and divided up My land.”

‘Joel, speaking Ha-Shem’s words, then proclaimed, “The Lord will roar from Zion, and thunder from Jerusalem; the earth and the sky will tremble. But the Lord G-d will be a refuge for His people, a stronghold for the people of Israel.”

However the reader may choose to respond to the theological discursus in Mr Sharpe’s closing paragraphs, the central points of this opinion piece, which set out plainly and clearly and truthfully the nature and goals of Islam, that is, of Muslims, of the Ummah or Mohammedan Mob, vis a vis not only Israel but all infidel polities everywhere, should be required reading for all Infidel political and religious leaders – not forgetting our generals and the chiefs of our Intelligence agencies – world-wide. – CM


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