In Memoriam. Nigeria, Israel, Australia, Christian, Jewish and Buddhist, Innocents Murdered by Muslims Enacting Islam

Let the four people whose stories I will now tell represent the millions of other Infidels ritually murdered by allah-akbaring Muslims throughout the past 1400 years; let them also represent the many, many Infidels who have been ritually murdered by allahu-akbaring Muslims even within the past year, or the past month.

First, the Christian, from Muslim-dominated northern Nigeria, in Africa. Monica Enoch, a pastor’s daughter.  She was one of the “girls of Chibok”, the 200+ teenaged schoolgirls, the vast majority being from Christian families, who were seized by Boko Haram jihadis from their boarding school dormitory in northern Nigeria, and “disappeared”. A few escaped; many have probably been killed; all have been raped and abused in various ways.  Broken in spirit and body many – or so we have been given to understand by what little news has seeped out from various sources – have given in and converted to Islam.  But Monica was one of those who refused. Let us hear her story, which one must assume is known from testimony given by one of the few escapees and/ or from the boastful communiques of those who kidnapped, raped, tormented and finally murdered her. 

As outlined in the Barnabas Fund prayer diary for September-October 2015.  The entry for Tuesday 6th September.  

School girl and pastor’s daughter, Monica, was amongst the group of 276 girls kidnapped in Chibok by Boko Haram last year. 

“While others submitted to being forcibly converted to Islam, Monica refused.

“To punish her, the Boko Haram militants (sic: jihadis – CM) buried her up to her neck, and stoned her to death.

‘Her father said recently, “To die for the sake of Christ – that’s the happiest thing for me. I’m grateful she didn’t change her religion.”

‘Monica’s mother added, “Monica is now in heaven, because she refused to convert.”

‘Pray that all relatives of martyred Christians may draw comfort in their grief from the knowledge that their loved ones died for Christ.”

 Had she renounced Christ, even as they were lowering her into the hole and preparing to throw the rocks, she would have lived…but at what price? The price of becoming a slave of Islam, a slave of Evil.  And so she refused, stubbornly continued to cling to her Lord, and was murdered by allahu-akbaring Muslims.  

Note: In the prayer diary she is called simply “Monica”.  However, some time previously Barnabas Fund published a list  they had compiled of the names of most – though not all – of the kidnapped girls of Chibok.  There is only one “Monica” on the list, a “Monica Enoch”. So I think it safe to assume that this is the same Monica.

Monica Enoch, may your name stand in honour alongside those of other African saints, martyrs and confessors of the Church Universal.

And now we come to Israel, and two recent Jewish victims of Muslim ritual murder.  A rabbi and his wife, Eitam and Naama Henkin, who on October 1 2015 were ambushed on a road in Samaria,  by Muslims, who shot them dead, firing on them repeatedly.  Somehow, miraculously, the murderers seem to have overlooked their four young children who were in the back of the car at the time.

Here is one account of Naama and Eitam.  Click on the link to see a picture of these lovely, gentle, decent, creative human beings who were annihilated because of the hatred of the Infidel, and as a subset of that, the hatred of Jews qua Jews, that is part and parcel of normative Islam.

‘Israeli Parents Gunned Down in Terror Attack were Dream Couple’.

‘Neighbours and friends of the Israeli couple shot dead in a West Bank terror attack (that is: in a jihad terror attack in Samaria – CM) leaving behind four [in fact, six] orphaned children, expressed their shock and disbelief at the loss.

‘Naama and Eitam Henkin, both in their early 30s, were gunned down late Thursday, while driving in their car between the settlements of Itamar and Elon Moreh (that is: the Jewish towns of Itamar and Elon Moreh – CM) near the Palestinian village (sic: the Arab Muslim colony – CM) of Beit Furik.

‘Their [four youngest] children – aged 4 months, 4, 7, and 9 – who were in the backseat of the vehicle, were unharmed.

Not through any mercy extended by the murderers of their parents; it appears, rather, that chance or grace caused confusion among the attackers, triggering their flight before they realized that there were small, terrified Jewish children remaining alive in the vehicle whose driver and front-seat passenger had just been murdered.  As we learn here:

“How One Terrorist’s Mistake Spared the Henkin Children.

“…five Hamas terrorists responsible for the murder have been arrested.  During the course of their interrogation, one – Karam Lutfi Fathi Razek – revealed that he was accidentally shot by a fellow terrorist in the hand during the attack.  The two had been shooting at either side of the car’s front row, causing their line of fire to overlap.

‘After the accidental injury the terrorist dropped his rifle and the five fled back to Shechem.

‘This mistake may have saved the Henkin children, a senior IDF official stated to Yediot Aharonot Monday night..”.

(Now, back to ‘Times of Israel’ – CM).

“They were something special, good people, very humble”, Shlomit went on, speaking quickly and appearing deeply upset…

‘Eitam Henkin is the son of Rabbi Yehuda and Chana Henkin, who moved to Israel from the United States in the 1970s.  His mother, Chana, runs the Nishmat Institute, a Jewish learning institution that was one of the first to teach women Talmud and Jewish law.

‘Rabbi Henkin, a noted Torah scholar and author of several volumes of responsa, also serves as the school’s Jewish law authority.

‘Naama Henkin was a graphic artist who owned a design studio.

‘According to Arutz 7, she is the daughter of a former member of the elite Sayeret Matkal unit…”.

‘The Henkins were being laid to rest Friday morning at 11 am at Har hamenuhot in Jerusalem, also known as the Givat Shaul cemetery.”

Another account of Eitam and Naama, from the “Israellycool” blog. Click on the link; he has portraits as well.

“Meet the Henkins”.

“…Naama was a small business owner.  She owned a little company called Ha-Maabada, which means “The Lab”, where she specialised in graphic and visual design for businesses…

(Israellycool links to her Facebook business page and her Linkedin profile – CM).

‘Owning a business while handling 6 children is not an easy task.  She, like anyone, was more interested in leading her family and satisfying her customers than “leading huge attacks on Palestinians [sic] on Al-Aqsa [sic]” (Israellycool is here quoting the nonsense-and-lies of the Palestinian Arab Muslim inciters of Jihad – CM).

‘Proving that people will literally make up almost anything just to make us all (that is, all Israeli Jews – CM) look evil.

‘Rabbi Eitam took the path of a religious scholar. H e managed a blog (see link in original article – CM) in which he published various historic and Halachic commentaries, book reviews, and published a book on the Kashrut laws of eating various fruits and vegetables due to their worm and bug content.

‘He lived in Jerusalem.  He was a gentleman and a scholar, not a “general” or a “colonist”.”

And now these two hard-working, peaceful, decent and loving people are dead, and their children are orphans. Eitam and Naama are dead because Islam cannot endure the sight of non-dhimmi Jews residing on historic Jewish territory that Muslims invaded and conquered in the 7th century; because Muslims cannot endure the reversal of any Islamic conquest; and because Muslims in their ‘sacred’ texts are taught to hate, hate, hate, hate Jews qua Jews.  Muslims are taught to hate and make war upon all Infidels, but perhaps Jews, most of all. 

Finally, we come to Parramatta, Sydney, Australia.  And the Muslim murder of Curtis Cheng, an unarmed middle-aged Australian public servant of Chinese ethnicity and, I understand, Buddhist faith. He worked as an accountant for the NSW police department.  On Friday 2nd October, only one day after the Muslim murder of Eitam and Naama Henkin in the land of Israel, Cheng was leaving his place of work.  A 15 year old Muslim youth in black robes with a revolver approached him and shot him in the back of the head, and then fired upon the policemen who had heard the gunshots and responded to the attack.  Fortunately, the police had better aim than the jihadi, and were able to kill him before he could harm or kill any other people, whether civilians or police.  However, I am not going to focus here on the details of the attack or the attacker. Let us focus instead upon Curtis Cheng.  Click on the links and you will see a lovely photo of him with his wife and his two children, a son and a daughter.

Here is one report, from Ben McClellan of Sydney’s Daily Telegraph.

Parramatta Shooting: Colleagues and the Public Pay Respects to Slain Curtis Cheng with Flowers and Cards.

‘Still reeling from the loss, colleagues of Curtis Cheng returned to the scene of Friday’s fatal shooting (sic: Friday’s ritual murder – CM) at NSW Police Headquarters today.

‘Laying flowers and consoling each other half a dozen civilian employees met at a makeshift shrine on the entry ramp at Parramatta.

‘While they gathered two special constables stood guard before going back inside when they left…

‘A civilian employee simply said, “Things will change forever”, and she would ever be fearful leaving the building when she resumed work tomorrow. “I think we will be more vigilant. When you walk out the door you will have to look around”, she said. “You don’t expect to walk out the front door and get killed, harming nobody, that’s the thing…”

‘Other employees had left the headquarters early on Friday for the long weekend, but Mr Cheng, an accountant, stayed until 4.30 pm.

“He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time”, the woman said.  

‘Another woman, visibly upset, said Mr Cheng was a “beautiful person”. “I don’t think I can talk about it, it’s just too much.  He was just a beautiful person, he was very intelligent, he knew his work and he was always willing to help”, she said…

‘John used to say hello to Mr Cheng as they passed each other in the escalators.  “The thing that resonates in my memory is he always took the time to say “G’Day”. It’s just a little thing, he’d say it as we passed each other on the escalators”, he said. “Nothing was ever too hard for Curtis. He was helpful, cheerful.  He was really a down-to-earth nice bloke.  Nothing was ever too much of a problem.”….

“I’ve been in the job 40 years and it’s not the same place, which is a shame,” John said. “Just a man who was miding his own business after a good day’s work on his way home, which just shows the whole futileness of it. It will certainly make it [the Headquarters] a sadder place. It will heighten the vigilance. He is certainly worth remembering”….

And also from Sydney’s Telegraph, columnist Tim Blair provides a portrait and draws attention to the appeal that has been set up for Cheng’s widow and children. Members of the Australian public are invited to contribute.

“NSW police accountant Curtis Cheng, who was murdered on Friday by teenage Islamic terrorist Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar, photographed with his wife and children.

‘The Daily Telegraph is now assisting an appeal for Cheng’s family.

‘Please contribute if you can.  NSW POLICE LEGACY APPEAL, BSB: 815 000 Account: 276953″.

Finally, the ABC story on Curtis Cheng.

Parramatta Shooting Victim Curtis Cheng a “gentle man”, Police Commissioner Says

‘The New South Wales police civilian employee shot dead by a radicalised youth (sic: by a young Muslim jihad terror raider – CM) yesterday was a “gentle man”, the police commissioner has said.

“The 15 year old of Iraq-Kurdish background (sic: “the 15 year old Muslim” – CM) killed (that is, murdered – CM) Curtis Cheng as he was leaving police headquarters at Parramatta in Sydney’s west around 4.30 pm yesterday.

‘The offender (that is: the murderer – CM) then fired several more shots at officers as they emerged from the building to respond to the incident.  He was killed when the officers returned fire.

‘Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione said Mr Cheng, 58, was a 17 year veteran of the police force’s finance department, where he worked as an accountant.

“He was a much-loved man, [he had] been with us a long time. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone have a bad word about Curtis and he will be missed”, he said.  “Curtis was admired and respected by his colleagues.  He was a gentle man in every sense. (I think Scipione here means that Curtis was “a gentle man” and “a gentleman”. – CM)

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone have a bad word about Curtis, and he will be missed”, he said. “Curtis was admired and respected by his colleagues.  He was a gentle man in every sense.

“What has occurred is shocking and it is a very sad time for those who worked closely with him and all our employees.”

‘A police source said the victim was a Buddhist and of Hong Kong-Chinese background.

“You won’t find anyone in the cops who has a bad word to say about him”, the source said. “He just walked out the door, Friday afternoon, on his way going home to his wife and kids. Shot dead. It’s just horrible.”…”.

This is Jihad. This is Islam.  Murder for ‘allah’.  The ritual murders, on three continents – Africa, Eurasia, Australia – of a Nigerian Christian schoolgirl, daughter of a pastor; of a Jewish couple in Israel, rabbi and businesswoman, loving parents of six children; and of a Buddhist accountant in Australia, of Hong Kong Chinese ethnicity. Christian, Jewish, Buddhist.  Four beautiful human beings slaughtered as human sacrifices, for the advancement of the temporal power of Islam, for the terrorising of other Infidels into submission to Muslims, to Islam.

May their memories be a blessing.  May their names be remembered: Monica Enoch, Eitam and Naama Henkin, Curtis Cheng.  May their mourning families – and those of all non-Muslims attacked and murdered by Muslim jihadis – be comforted. And may justice be done, and the marauding death-worshipping Ummah or Mohammedan Mob, wherever it seeks to kill and destroy, be resisted and defeated.


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