Iran Executes Boy for Cheering Saudi Soccer Team

Clarion Report:

Iran executed a child for cheering a Saudi soccer team at a match in Tehran, according to Arabic media reports. The Ahvazi child, Yasser Shalibawi, was charged with cheering for the visiting Al-Hilal soccer team at a match in Tehran and wearing Arab clothes.

He also allegedly held up a sign saying “The Arabic Al-Hilal: Welcome to the Land of the Arabic Al-Ahvaz.’

Shalibawi was executed by shooting, the head of the British Regional Centre for Studies of the Middle East, Amjem Taha, told Al-Madenah News.

This is the first time someone has cheered a Saudi team in Iran, according to the Egyptian outlet Al-Wafd.

Ahvaz is a city in the south west of Iran home to a large number of ethnic Arabs and there have previously been tensions between them and the regime, which has been accused of discriminating against Iranian-Arabs.