Iran is Victorious

I was lucky enough to be able to be present on two occasions. I was able listen in to a lengthy phone conversation between President Barack Obama and Iranian President Hassan Rohani. They were discussing the agenda for the Iran-PS 5 ? 1 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action that was to be signed on July 14, 2015. They agreed to allow me to make some of the details public. President Rohani also allowed me to attend his victory celebration after the Plan was signed.

Here are some of the main issues the two presidents discussed on the phone.

Obama…..In any nuclear agreement Iran can have only 100 centrifuges.

Iranian President Hassan Rohani…  This is not enough.

Obama.. Is 1,000 acceptable to you?

Rohani , That’s still not enough .

Obama,  The bottom line is 4,000.  

Rohani, No, we must get over 6,000 centrifuges, over 5,000 of which will be at  Natanz, and over 1,000 at Fordo.   Those at Natanz will continue to enrich uranium.

Obama, Agreed. But the period of restrictions must be 20 years.

Rohani, No, it must be no longer than 8 years.

Obama,  Agreed. But only the first generation IR-1 centrifuges will be allowed.

Rohani, No, we must be able to inject gas into advanced IR-8 centrifuges.

Obama, Agreed. But the heavy water reactor at Arak may remain but without the heavy water.

Rohani, No, the Arak reactor will be completed with the same heavy water.

Obama, Agreed. But concerning Fordo, there must not be one centrifuge, and it will be a center for isotope research.

Rohani, No, there must be over 1,000 centrifuges installed there, and part of Fordo will be used for research and development on stable isotopes.

Obama. Agreed. But on the question of sanctions you must earn our trust, and then the sanctions will be frozen, though not lifted.

Rohani, No, all the financial and banking sanctions, and those relating to insurance, transportation, petrochemical industries, and all economic sanctions must be immediately lifted, not frozen. Even the arms embargo must be stopped. There will only be a type of restriction for five years, and after that it will be lifted.

Obama, Agreed.

Rohani , But remember that Iran’s nuclear dossier will be removed from UN Security Council agenda after ten years of the implementation of the agreement.

Final remark on the phone call by President Obama. I’m happy we have reached agreement. I always want to solve issues by diplomacy not by force. I know that Iran is not a liberal democracy, but we have solved this one issue that has divided us.  I have always opposed the retention of sanctions against Iran, though not against Russia. Even more, I remain opposed to any tougher sanction imposed on Iran.

Rohani spoke after the deal was signed. I want to thank you, President Obama  because you have helped us achieve our four goals. We are able to continue the nuclear capabilities, our nuclear technology, and even the nuclear activity. You have supported removing the mistaken, oppressive, and inhuman sanctions. You have agreed that the UN Security Council Resolutions that we see as illegitimate must be ended. The sanctions, agreed over a ten year period in the effort to make Iran stop enrichment, will not be imposed. You and your associates have removed the nuclear dossier from Charter VII of the UN Charter, and from the Security Council in general.

I think you appreciated that the nuclear issue is important to us. It is a source of national pride and honor. You have agreed that Iran will in the future become a nuclear power. You knew we were unhappy with the economic sanction imposed on us. They created harsh conditions, though they never reaped success. Economic sanctions will not be reimposed, nor will the sanctions on trade in conventional weapons and ballistic missiles when they end in a few years, though General Martin Dempsey, Joint Chiefs Chairman, thought they should not be removed.

I’m very glad that you want new and closer relations with Iran. The West must now abandon threats against us and end the humiliation of Iran.

I know that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned that this agreement is dangerous and will exacerbate regional tensions and allow Iran over time to produce nuclear weapons. He has said the danger is that Iran will obtain nuclear weapons either by waiting out the years of restraint specified in the agreement, or by violating it. He is correct that Iran will gain hundreds of billions of dollars. He also knows that Iran is patient when it comes to building its nuclear capabilities.

However, I say to the nations of the Middle East and neighboring countries do not be misled by the propaganda of the Zionist regime and the evil mongers of the Iranian nation. Do not believe Netanyahu’s argument that there is a problem of verification of Iranian compliance, particularly inspecting sites other than declared nuclear instillations. But he is correct, to his annoyance, that Iran has been given legitimacy for its nuclear program, which we insist is for peaceful purposes.

We believe that the agreement will not be blocked in the US Congress because enough members of the Democratic Party will uphold the president and support the agreement. They will ignore the issue of Americans being held prisoners in our country and accept our view that Iran’s nuclear program will be exclusively peaceful, and that this agreement will positively contribute to regional international peace and security. Therefore, Iran will move forward with its peaceful, indigenous program .We are delighted at the comprehensive lifting of all UN Security Council sanctions as well as multilateral and national sanctions relating to Iran’s nuclear program including steps on access in area of trade, technology, finance, and energy.

I know that Saudi Arabia, Israel, and most people in the U.S. will be unhappy with the Iranian success, but at least we can congratulate president Obama for providing us with this victory.