Iraqis Upset Americans Don’t Do Even More Of The Fighting For Them
Apparently with more than a half-million men under arms, outfitted with tens of billions of dollars in American equipment, the Iraqi Arabs — the Kurds are fighting and not complaining — can’t do much more than they are doing, taking a tiny town back from the Islamic State here and there, then being attacked again, but still not able even to take back Tikrit, and Mosul will have to wait. The Americans have made nearly 1000 attacks, by air, in Iraq alone, but this is not sufficient. Al-Jabouri, the speaker of the Iraqi parliament, complains that the “coalition forces” — this means the American forces — are not doing enough. For the Iraqis want those Americans to do more, always more, to have troops, boots, you name it, on the ground, fighting and dying because a nation of 32 milliion (five million new Iraqis since the Americans first arrived), with advanced Western equipment, all kinds of American aid, and oil revenues, can’t be expected to fight when the Infidel Americans are there and should do it for them.
This is not the only kind of demand Muslims, even the outwardly friendliest and most “moderate,” make on non-Muslims. It’s unending. The West was asked by Muslims — in Libya, among the rebels, and outside, by Arab governments, and most insistently the Qatari government — to conduct air sorties to help those trying to overthrow Qaddafy. Now the West is told that again it must intervene, to end the internecine warfare in Libya. The rebels in Syria seem to think it was the responsibility not of other Arabs and Sunni Muslims, to help them out against Assad, but the Amerians and other non-Muslims to whom those Sunni rebels have always been, and always will be, hostile. The demands are not limited to military intervention, or military aid. With the lands not yet dominated by Islam, that is Dar al-Harb, the Muslims who have settled in think it right to make demands for changes in the laws and customs of the indigenous non-Muslims, think it right that they, the Muslims, not be required to adhere to any law that contradicts the Shari’a. They seethe with hostility toward non-Musliims, sometimes expressed by vandalism (the annual destruction of cars in France), commit crimes — theft, burglary, murder — at rates many times the rate for the iidigenous non-Muslims. They have been brilliant at exploiting all of the benefits available in generous Western welfare states, and the court system too, in order to prevent, in the most extreme cases, deportation; they try where they can to constantly increase their numbers, even demanding that they be allowed to bring in brides from abroad, new imams from abroad, the ranks of Muslims thus ever-swelling. They demand halal food in prisons and schools, and that food is then fed to unwitting non-Muslims, who also must fund the extra expense for such food, which requires payments to Muslim butchers and Muslim clerics who guaranteee the work. They make demands on the health system, demanding that only female doctors examine Muslimahs, and that the husbands always be present to interpret. And all of these disruptive demands cost money. in the unending series of demands made by Muslims, of all kinds, everywhere, on the non-Muslims — whether those Muslims are in Muslim-dominated lands (Dar al-Islam), or make their demands, for more money for Muslims, to “combat poverty and unemployment” because otherwise “you’ll have a greater problem with terrorism), or curtailment of freedoms (freedom of conscience, freedom of speech), or trying to supress any critical analysis of Islam, swiftly labelled and condemned as Iislamophobia.”
There are at least 25 million Iraqis who are not Sunni Arab Muslims. They should be able to fight their own battles. And if they can’t take back land from the Islamic State, so what? Why should we in the West care? If the Iranians send more men in to fight the Uber-Sunnis who treat Shi’a as Infidels, isn’t that a good thing? Wasn’t the Iran-Iraq war a good thing?