Is It Time for the Jews to Leave Europe?

One Response

  1. From the article – “I’d heard that it had already become common practice in some of the apartment blocks in the banlieues for Jews to remove the mezuzot from their doors. A mezuzah is a piece of parchment that contains Bible verses and that is placed in a case and then affixed to a doorpost. In some suburbs mezuzot had become pointers for those in search of Jews to harm.”

    So here is an idea that can be put – by ordinary decent Christians, Christians who are not afflicted by the pathological disease that is antisemitism – to the Archbishop of Canterbury, to the Catholic archbishop of the UK, to Pope Francis, and to bishops and parish priests in every majority-Infidel where there is – manifestly – a rising tide of hatred directed againsts Jews (often emanating primarily though not solely from the menacing Muslim colonies now established in those countries): “**are you prepared to place a mezuzah on the door of your Cathedral, or on the door of our parish church** as a sign of solidarity with our Elder Brother, with the House of Israel?” Imagine the message sent by a mezuzah publicly and defiantly affixed to the main door of the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris. Imagine the effect of the sight of Abp Welsby accompanied by the Chief Rabbi in the UK, ceremoniously and prayerfully affixing a mezuzah to the door of St Paul’s and to the door of Westminster Abbey. Imagine if Pope Francis were to ask the Jews of Rome to place a mezuzah on the door of the Vatican. As a statement of solidarity. The Cross, displayed, already makes the church a target for Jihad: wherever they go, Muslims destroy Crosses. But the mezuzah, like the Star of David, especially attracts and focuses the hatred of the jihadis. Let Christians all over the Western world, those wise Christians who refuse to run mad with Jew-hatred and who honour Our Lord as the son of Jewish mother, start putting this idea to their leaders…and, perhaps, in consultation with their local synagogue and their Jewish neighbours, say to the Jews: “Do not take down your mezuzah out of fear; instead, *I* will put one on *my* door as well…and then there will be two – or four – or five, or ten – mezuzot on this street or in this building instead of one, I will share your fear and your danger and we will either draw this evil out into the open, and force our political leaders to recognise what it is and deal with it, or else the bullies, seeing that you are not few and weak after all, but are part of a larger body than they expected, will back off.”

    I will write to Anglicans For Israel, for example, and make this proposal. I think a mezuzah on St Paul’s, and on Westminster Abbey (containing, after all, nothing but texts taken from the very same book that is read out loud – or sung – within both buildings several times a day every day of the week!) , would make a very strong statement

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