Islam in America: We Bring Everything… and the Quran!

We all know about the problems of Europe but how many Americans are truly aware of the soft jihad that is going on at a pace right under their noses?

This video on Islam in America was posted at Gates of Vienna 28 March.  It was made by Israeli filmmaker and journalist Zvi Yehezkeli, who speaks fluent Arabic, thereby reaching the parts other Kuffars can’t. Passing himself off as a Palestinian, he travels around America seeing and hearing the unvarnished truth.

First stop is the Dar al-Hijra Mosque in Falls Church, Virginia. Then there is Dearborn, Michigan, known as the Muslim capital of America, where Yehezkeli is given a tour by the Arab-American police chief, Ron Haddad. On to Tampa where the journalist talks to CAIR director, Hassan Shibly, and along the way has some interesting conversations with Muslim taxi drivers.

The film starts with a very strong and open message from Yusuf Al Qaradawi – the most influential cleric in the Muslim world.  It is being broadcast openly via video advertising in Times Square NYC. If you have any doubts that Da’wa is proceeding full-speed ahead in America this will dispel them.

Al Qaradawi says openly:

Islam will return to rule over Europe and the West. Does the conquest need to be accomplished by the sword? No, not necessarily. There is something called “quiet conquering”.  Quietly, in the West, under the surface through soft jihad, the international Islamic Caliphate is expanding…Its objective is to impose Sharia Law on the entire world.

ZY to Muslim: Do you prefer to live under Sharia or under US Law? —

Muslim: SHARIA! Of course, according to Sharia, I have nothing to do with US Law.

ZY: This is the newest chapter in which Islam embarks on a different kind of Jihad approaching the West on its way to impose the Islamic world (Umma) and the worldwide Caliphate in America — The superpower, the strong empire, the dream of the West, of freedom and liberty.  Islam has always desired to land here, to establish its Islamic flag here and become victorious…to mark the highest point of its Islamic Caliphate, 9/11/2001 is the day the war started, when ‘two of Bin Laden’s airplanes’ crashed into the World Trade Center.  But America did not collapse. Thus, the Muslim Brotherhood continue their quiet, subversive war. The infiltration takes place in every corner of this continent.

What proceeds is the undercover journalist’s investigation into the blatant and outspoken sedition taking place under everybody’s eyes and ears – although a lot of it is in Arabic because many of the immigrants do not speak anything else:

10:23 When you walk down the main street in Dearborn, it’s as if you never left the Middle East. Everyone here speaks Arabic, and it is possible to live here without knowing one word of English.

11:05 There is an ample supply of Arab goods. We are 4,000 kilometers from the Middle East, but the supermarket is the same as home. We are in Dearborn for the first time. We want to check the possibilities… how is life here from the viewpoint of Islam? Praise Allah! It’s good. There are many mosques and a lot of halal food, as in the homeland.

15:19 Ron (the third generation Arab-American Police Chief of Dearborn Michigan) prefers not to know what is happening inside the mosque. The messages heard over there will probably be a serious problem for him in the future. Most Muslims hate the Christians. True or false? Yes. This is the truth.

Listen and watch the whole thing.  –  The hatred and arrogance of these ‘immigrants’ is truly painful to see and hear.

Is it this pain that keeps Americans from looking too deeply? There is one person who thinks so.

Bill Warner of the Center for the Study of Political Islam is a former physics professor who has taken it upon himself to study Islam in all its manifestations.  He has a theory that the West is suffering from  PTSD, and therefore it is in a kind of 1400-year-old shock and denial state: In a video giving a pretty good potted history of Jihad over the past 1400 years, Why we are afraid he concludes:

“After 1400 years of jihad, brutality, enslavement, theft, rape, deception, annihilation, and insults the Kafir mind has become identical to that of an abused victim”.

Some may see this as a reductionist position, but it may just be a contributing factor to the nightmare scenario that is now unfolding before us.





One Response

  1. And as They are organized throughout the USA and focused on a single, main objective, We will be doomed if We do not regain/maintain control of our education system and teach the principles and values of American democratic republicanism.

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