Islam, The Murder Of Fakhunda, And What Helena Malikyar Cannot Say
Al Jazeera is the propaganda organ of nasty little Qatar, and a stout Defender of the Faith, with all sorts of distractions and deflections as the arrows in its quiver. Its English-language version cleverly tones down, in both form and content, what it offers full-blast in the Arabic-language version — which American soldiers may remember helped to whip up Iraqis against them.
But this article on the grisly murder, by a maddened Muslim mob, of an Afghan women, in the middle of Kabul, while the police stood all around and watched too, is worth reading, because it acccurately describes the mob as consisting not of rude rustics but of seemingly advanced urban Afghanis, who as soon as the charge of Qur’an-desecration was made, immediately went into action. There was everything: hysteria over the Qu’ran as a physical object, immediate unthinking reaction because of what some cleric apparently said (but it could have been anyone to start such a rumor), fury at women, immediate crazed vicious violence, delight in that violence by lots of those who were onlookers, no doubt envying the participants their direct role — and all this is described by Helena Malikyar who, however, cannot connect any of this to the fons-et-origo of it all — Islam itself, the attitudes and atmospherics of societies where all they have is Islam, its conspiracy-theories, its illogic, its aggression, its encouragement of resentment against, hatred for, “enemies of Islam” who are all around, and of violence as the natural expression of that hatred.
She can’t do it, so readers, unfettered by the mind-forged manacles of Islam, must supply the reasons for this, and similar acts by Muslims — including everything that is done by the Islamic State, whose members are merely Muslims who take the texts fully to heart — which Helena Malikyar, at least at Al Jazeera, is unable or unwilling to do.
There are others, many, in the same position as Helena Malikyar. How they must look, with envy, at the mental freedom of those who are apostates, and who feel free to analyze what Islam inculcates, and what happens to the minds of those on Islam. Don’t you wonder what Helena Malikyar really thinks?