Islamic Gender Apartheid by Phyllis Chesler

New English Review Press is pleased to announce the publication of our twenty fourth book, Islamic Gender Apartheid: Exposing a Veiled War Against Women by Phyllis Chesler.

Phyllis Chesler is by far the bravest and most outspoken American feminist to address the plight of Muslim women. I recommend (that her work) be put on the reading list of every American school. —Ayaan Hirsi Ali

To read Phyllis Chesler is to encounter one of the most challenging and original minds in the world today.—Alan Dershowitz

Phyllis Chesler brings an eloquent and righteous anger to bear against Western feminists for their dual habit of overlooking the plight of Muslim women and blaming Israel, by far the Middle East’s most feminist country, for the woes of that region.—Daniel Pipes