Islamic group is linked to London Bridge killer and 7/7 attack

From The Times and Breitbart

The youngest of the London Bridge attackers was associated with an Islamic group with links to a series of terrorist plots. Youssef Zaghba, 22, attended meetings of Tablighi Jamaat while studying in Morocco before moving to London two years ago.

British terrorists linked to it include Mohammed Sidique Khan, leader of the 7/7 bombers who killed 55 people in London in 2005, and fellow attacker Shehzad Tanweer. Both attended the group’s mosque in Yorkshire.

Richard Reid, from Brixton, south London, who tried to detonate explosives packed in his shoe during a flight from Paris to Miami 2001, also attended mosques run by the group.

Abid Naseer, who was convicted in 2015 of a bomb plot at the Arndale Centre in Manchester in 2009, admitted joining Tablighi Jamaat as a teenager in Pakistan.

The French intelligence agency has described the organisation as the “antechamber of fundamentalism” and a stepping-stone to radicalisation. An FBI expert claimed in 2003 that the group was used by al-Qaeda to recruit. The group … has been called the “Army of Darkness” in Britain

As reported by Breitbart London in 2015, the mosque at the centre of the San Bernardino terrorist attack which saw 14 killed was a “haven” for Tablighi Jamaat activists.

Outwardly, the sect has a staunchly apolitical stance, declining to speak out even on controversial subjects such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Iraq War.

Rather than jihad, Tablighi Jamaat’s main contribution to the spread of extremism comes through its missionary mission of dawa; a process which “aims both to convert non-Muslims to political Islam and to instil Islamist views in existing Muslims,” according to noted ex-Muslim and FGM survivor Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

“The ultimate goal of dawa is to destroy the political institutions of a free society and replace them with the rule of shariah law,” Hirsi Ali believes. Dawa, she says, “is to the Islamists of today what the ‘long march through the institutions’ was to twentieth-century Marxists … subversion from within – the abuse of religious freedom in order to undermine that very freedom.”

Above, the Markazi in Savile Town Dewsbury, taken by Rachel Megawatt of Breitbart, whose work I admire. 

Readers will recall that the proposed and massive ‘megamosque’ in West Ham by the Olympic site was to be Tablighi Jamaat’s new European headquarters, moved south from Savile Town in Dewsbury. The site is quiet at the moment. Their plans having been refused, and the site ordered to be returned to the council for mixed use developement, I  occasionally I wonder where they are planning to move the HQ to next. Sweden?