Islamic State Supporters Celebrate Berlin Truck ‘Attack’
TEL AVIV – Islamic State sympathizers and militants are celebrating an incident on Monday in which a lorry ploughed through a crowd of shoppers in a busy Christmas market in Berlin, reportedly killing nine people and injuring more than fifty.
The messages, obtained by Breitbart Jerusalem, were posted to a closed chat group that utilizes the encrypted Telegram messaging service. The chat group serves as an internal Twitter of sorts for IS jihadists and sympathizers, and it has been used in the past to issue IS communications.
The messages also celebrated the assassination on Tuesday of Russia’s ambassador to Turkey.
The user Army of the Caliphate exclaimed:
“Thanks to Allah in this last day when the things that we do are exposed in front of Allah, our lone wolves succeeded to kill the apostate Russian ambassador in the state of the infidel Erdogan, and to plow the infidels in the heart of their home in Berlin. And here in Syria, the Army of the Caliphate killed two pilots by shooting down their planes near Homs. And shortly with the help of Allah, we will shout ‘Allahu Akbar’ and we will celebrate the attacks of our brothers in all the countries of the infidels.”
Abu Musalama warned:
“Today it is Russia, Turkey and Germany and tomorrow it is France, Belgium and the head of the snake, America. Our Mujahedeen and our supporters and the lone wolves will not forget the crimes of these infidel countries and they will make them pay the price.”
Al-Jazrawi wrote:
“Thank Allah who gave the mujahedeen today this gift that is a day of victories. Today we sent to hell the Turkish ambassador and dozens of Germans were also sent to hell. We ask Allah that these lone wolves who carried out these attacks will be from the mujahedeen and the supporters of the Islamic State.”