Islamopuffery on Australia’s SBS: "Corporate Hijabs Encourge Diversity, Inclusiveness in Workplace"

The mind boggles.  Islam is the most relentless and aggressive monoculture the world has ever known; and its doctrine of ‘loyalty and enmity’, its rejection of reciprocity, its rejection of the Golden Rule (see Quran 48.29), its grim division of the world into Dar al Islam, the house of Islam (Submission) and Dar al Harb (the House of War), are anything but ‘inclusive’, they revolve around exclusion, the ‘othering’ of all non-Muslims as dirty, as  enemy, as subhuman, ‘the worst of beasts’, and yet, for females belonging to this cult to be enabled and encouraged to flaunt their Gang Colours, their Sharia Badge – in a workplace where every non-Islamic colleague or customer is someone whom said females’ cult defines as a target for conversion, subjugation as a near-slave dhimmi, or death –  is being represented as the ultimate in ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusiveness’.

A report from Hannah Sinclair, for SBS, appearing about a week ago, on the Islamisation of the commercial space in one of Australia’s biggest banks.

‘Corporate Hijabs to Encourage Diversity, Inclusiveness in the Workplace’.

‘A growing number of businesses are expanding their work uniforms to include religious (sic: Muslim; I don’t see any glowing articles in SBS lately on the special modifications being made to corporate dress codes, in order to accommodate Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs or Orthodox Jews – CM) head wear.

‘Westpac Bank is the latest to design corporate hijabs for their employees.

‘Westpac Bank employees will now be able to wear corporate hijabs as part of their uniform in a wider trend to integrate religious head wear into the workplace.

I haven’t heard a thing about the religious head wear associated with belief systems other than Islam. This is, transparently, all about Islam, Islam, Islam. – CM

Australian fashion designer Carla Zampatti has been recruited to redesign the Westpac uniforms and a key feature is the inclusion of a corporate hijab.

“The hijab itself will be navy blue with a charcoal “W”, so it will be quite subtle”, Westpac inclusion and diversity officer, Ainslie Van Onselen, told SBS.

These days, very often, ‘inclusion’ and ‘diversity’ seem primarily to mean “Islamisation”. – CM

“The feedback we’re getting from our staff is really supportive and very, very positive”.

Quaere: what percentage of Westpac employees are Muslims? What percentage are female Muslims?  Just how many Muslimahs does Westpac anticipate having on their staff, whether in the short or the long term?  And… exactly how much pressure, in subtle and unsubtle ways, has been applied, to bring about this rush to accommodate their Islamic specialness?  Have any other employees, of any other religious affiliation, been similarly applying pressure?  These are the questions that Hannah Sinclair, if she were on the ball, should have put to this ‘inclusion and diversity’ officer.  Further: what of the effect upon those other – non-Muslim – female employees, or female customers, who are aware of the fact that the Mohammedan female coverup ‘frames’ all surrounding unislamically-dressed females as ‘uncovered meat’, as sluts and whores? Who know what the Sharia of Islam permits and encourages to be done to infidel ‘uncovered meat’? –  CM

‘Manija Akbari has been working as a teller at Westpac for five years, spending her own money on headscarves that match her uniform.  Ms Akbari told SBS she’s excited for the launch of the revamped corporate design in April.

“Now I’m not going to look different, I’m going to look a part of the team”, she said.

Really? When all the Infidel female employees are unconcernedly exposing their head hair, ears and neck, whilst you are assiduously covering up those same things, as if they were … your pudendum?  And in any case, would you like to explain to us, Ms Akbari, exactly how a Muslim can be part of a ‘team’ that is mostly composed of Infidels, with particular reference to all those Quranic verses that inveigh against ‘friendship’ and ‘alliance’ with Infidels? – CM

“It makes me feel very valued”.

I’ll bet it does.  This anxious and grovelling accommodation feeds your Islamically-inculcated sense of entitlement and superiority. – CM

‘Westpac’s initiative is part of a wider trend to help employees feel supported and included, regardless of their faith.

So why is the story all about hijab?  If this is a general thing, rather than accommodation of Islam and Muslims, why aren’t we hearing , say, about the hiring of a fashion designer to create a special corporate version of the Sikh turban? – CM

‘The Commonwealth Bank and Optus have also introduced corporate hijabs.

Thus assisting with the Islamoforming of Australia.  Have none of these fools any concept of the ‘power of context’?  And again, one must ask: exactly how many Muslimahs work for either of these bodies, at any level, and what percentage of the workforce do they currently represent?  And is that percentage expected to increase?  If so, how much?  And why?  – CM

In the end, the hijab is just a piece of fabric that a Muslim woman wears on her head”, Hijab House director Tarik Houchar (note: a male, not a female – CM) told SBS.

“So it should be a fabric that matches and blends in with the uniform of the company”.

One wonders whether SBS has ever heard of a French word, entrisme, that has been employed, at times, by those attempting to describe the process that is sometiems also called ‘stealth jihad’ or ‘sharia creep’, the stready, sneaking, infiltration and subversion of this or that Infidel institution.

As for that airy pronouncement, “the hijab is just a piece of fabric that a Muslim woman wears on her head”… no, it is not ‘just a piece of cloth’. It is a political statement. It is the sharia badge. It is a declaration of allegiance to the Ummah and the goals of the Ummah, the final goal being the Islamisation and subjection to Muslim rule of every last inch of planet earth, and the imposition and enforcement of the antihuman – the inhuman – Sharia of Islam.

Women have been killed – right here in the West – because they refused to wear the head-rag.  It is not innocent, or innocuous, or trivial. 

Daniel Greenfield is one of those who understands exactly what the hijab – the Islamic female coverup – signifies, both for the wearer and for any unislamically dressed females in the vicinity.

See here, his article, “Free to Molest”.

“Muslim women don’t wear hijabs, burkas, or any other similar garb as a fashion statement, or even an expression of religious piety.

‘Their own religion tells us exactly why they wear them.’

“O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies that they may thus be distinguished, and not molested”. – Koran 33: 59.

‘It’s not about modesty.  It’s not about religion.

‘It’s about putting a “Do Not Rape” sign on Muslim women.

‘And putting a “Free to Molest” sign on non-Muslim women…”.

“Muslim women wearing a burka, a hijab or a burkini are pointing a sign at other [that is, non-Islamic – CM] women. The sign tells Muslim men to harass those other women instead of them. It’s not modesty. It’s the way that Muslim women choose to function as an instrument of Muslim violence against non-Muslim women…”.

I wonder whether Westpac, the Commonwealth Bank, Optus, have any idea that every Muslim female at their front desk, flaunting her designer hijab, is – de facto – signalling to any Muslm males she may encounter, that the unislamically dressed infidel girl or woman at the next counter, and every unislamically dressed infidel female customer in the queue, is … fair game? Is… “uncovered meat”? – CM


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