Israel is All of Us! Solidarity Now!

Giulio Meotti writes in INN:

The echoes of phrases and symbols of Nazi propaganda are used against the Israeli people today – in newspapers, in schools, in books, in university halls and in Europe’s Parliaments. The specter of Joseph Goebbels has just reappeared in the West. He said that Denmark was a threat to the Third Reich. Today it is Israel’s turn.

A state that has paid for its right to exist with 22,000 Jews killed in attacks or wars. A state that does not have space to which to retreat. The world knows that perfectly and in the last few years has intensified its despicable campaign against Israel.

At the United Nations, global diplomacy is demonizing Israel’s right to defend itself, its very right to exist – among enemies who want to destroy it. The UNHRC report is just another addition to the list, as expected as it is shameful.

The boycott movement, which is the face of the economic war against Israel, is growing every day. Even some musicians are abandoning the Jewish State and cancelling their tours in the region.

Israel is the only bastion of civilization founded on freedom and justice. But Israel can die of constant mobilization. It can offer heroic resistance, but it cannot survive in a endless Masada. What can we do, all of us,  in the West?Show solidarity.

And we should learn from the great musicians, those who betrayed the Jews but also those who supported them. During the War of Independence in 1948, Leonard Bernstein decided to conduct the orchestra in the southern Israeli city of Beersheba. Around him there were Israeli soldiers with rifles slung over their shoulders and the music of Beethoven and Ravel in their ears.

But to understand what solidarity for Israel means, you have to compare it with the story of Eric Leinsdorf. Without saying anything to anyone, in 1967 when the Egyptian radio was calling to “Slaughter the Jews”, instead of going to the theater to perform one night, Leinsdorf took a taxi to the airport and left. He abandonedIsrael so quickly that he left his tuxedo in the Opera House in Tel Aviv. It is still there to remind us of his abandonment of Israel.

A fellow Italian, the great musician Arturo Toscanini, flew to Tel Aviv to play for the Israeli pioneers, without any compensation, before a Jewish State had been created. All the traffic in the Mandatory Palestine stopped to hear his celestial music at the concert also attended by Chaim Weizmann and David Ben Gurion. It was December 12, 1936 when the master took the podium and said those immortal words: “I do this for humanity”.

I am personally convinced that the creation of the State of Israel in the Middle East will prevail over the Arab-Islamic rejection; and perhaps only then, with a new and young heart, the Arab world will also be able to get out from its backwardness, a situation into which it dragged itself just because of the hypnosis that  lets it concentrate only on war against the Jews.

Therefore, let’s leave the sheiks, the emirs and the caliphs engaging in their most brutal policy of anti-Semitism, and let’s pressure democratic governments and public opinion, primarily that of Europe and the United States, to fulfill their responsibilities, knowing that Israel, the conscience of the world, is right on our border.

Israel is all of us. Israel will live! 

Hear, hear! — The Law.


2 Responses

  1. One simple thing that all decent persons who are not Jewish can do, persons resident right across the western world and beyond it, in places like southern Africa and India, is this: ask themselves, “Would I feel safe if I were to get a star of David pendant or badge and, every now and again, say on every second day, wear it in public as I go about my daily business…in the street, in the workplace, on public transport, on campus, my place of worship…?” (The same question now has to be asked about the public wearing of crosses, given what a Muslim boy in an Italian school recently did to a little Italian Catholic classmate who, as so many have historically done, was wearing a pendant cross).

    And if the answer is NO… as it is in far too many places, including many places within the so-called free non-Muslim world, places such as London and Paris…then if one is younger and able-bodied one should go on defiantly wearing it after having taken steps to make oneself a “hardened” target. And group action – along the lines of that old “Reclaim the Night” campaign – is necessary, and the lobbying of politicians, because if our streets and schools and campuses and public transport are no longer safe for visibly-identifiable Jews – or, for that matter, for visibly identifiable Christians – then something needs to change. Fast. It is unendurable. It is not tolerable, it is outrageous, that a Jew cannot safely wear the kippah or the Star of David in the streets of Paris. It is not tolerable, that in Catholic Italy a Muslim should feel entitled to attack a little Catholic schoolgirl who is wearing a cross.

    And when one does wear that Star of David one must equip oneself with information about the Jihad, and about the dismal fact of specifically Islamic Jew-hatred ( hardwired into Quran, Sira and Hadiths and enacted repeatedly throughout Muslim history) so that one can answer the curious and uninformed who ask you why you, a Gentile, are wearing a Jewish symbol. “I do it to express my solidarity with the Jews, and especially the Jews of Israel, against the genocidal Jihad currently being waged by the Muslim Ummah which hates all kuffar but hates Jews most of all.”

    Imagine if, in the European Parliament, or in the parliament of any western country, every politician who accounts themselves a friend of Israel were to turn up to that parliament wearing a yellow six-pointed star on their jackets. I think Magdi Cristiano Allam would be brave enough to do it. Who else?

    It’s time that there were rallies and marches of solidarity with Israel – and of solidarity with the local Jews in each country, such as Australia or Canada or Britain or France or Norway or Denmark – that were colourful, large, defiant, positive, nonapologetic, and taking the offensive; that is, organised *before* all-out hot war is provoked yet again by the Hamasniks in jihad fortress Gaza. And stating, loud and clear, that it is a TOTAL shame and a disgrace that identifiable Jews cannot walk safely in public anymore in many parts of the West for fear of being attacked by Muslims (as well as by non-Muslim Jewhaters who have been emboldened by the open Jewhatred that Muslims are expressing with impunity) …and that it is also quickly becoming – wherever there is a large concentration of Muslims – just as dangerous for identifiable Christians.

  2. Well said, Christina. I wear a cap to work every day which boldly proclaims Israel with the Star of David. As you say, there is a growing reality of restrictiveness produced by the proximity of Muslims and their left-wing parasites. We have to be defiant. To declare our support for Israel is also a way of declaring our allegiance to the values of humanity in the face of Islam’s barbarous hatreds.

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