Israel: Muslim Arab (PhD, Islamic Studies) Convicted of Trying to Join Islamic State

A very telling little report from Orli Harari of Israel National News.

“Israeli Arab Mother of Five Convicted of Trying to Join ISIS”.

‘A 44 year old Israeli-Arab mother of five (that is “an Israel-passport-holding Arab Muslim mother of five, aged 44” – CM) has been sentenced to 22 months in prison for attempting to join the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist group (sic: Jihad organisation and declared Sunni Muslim Caliphate – CM).

‘According to the indictment against her, Ayman Kanjaw, a resident of the northern Israeli Arab town of Shfaram, attempted to travel to Turkey and from there cross the border into Syria – a commonly-used route for jihadist foreign fighters.

‘However, she was arrested en route and charged with establishing contact with a foreign agent and leaving the country illegally.

‘In addition to the prison sentence, Kanjaw was ordered to pay a 30,000 shekel fine.

Hmm. I wonder what would happen if all the other majority-Infidel countries, currently afflicted with Mohammedan colonies from which eager-beaver young Muslims are rushing off with a view to joining Islamic State, inflicted – Israeli-style – a walloping fine (on top of prison time) upon any Muslim caught so doing, who happened to hold a passport issued by the infidel country in question?  Of course, a fine – no matter how large – and prison time – if anything short of lifelong – merely postpones the burning question: what to do with them once they have served their term and they – or their family, or the Ummah aka Mohammedan mob – have coughed up the fine?  It is extremely improbable that such will apostasise; and if they do not apostasise they, and/ or their descendants, are likely to Go Jihad again, sooner or later.  In the long run, it seems to me it would be more practical to permit such creatures to depart but, once their arrival in Islamic State (or indeed any similar jihad hotspot within the Dar al Ilsam) is established beyond reasonable doubt (and, therefore, their declared and implacable enmity and malevolent intent toward each and every Infidel person and polity in the world), strip them of their infidel-country citizenship status or residency and bar them from returning, having also declared them Outlaw. – CM

The convicted terrorist was born in Nazareth, and has a PhD in Islamic studies.’

That, which I have placed in bold, is the single most important sentence in this article. – CM

‘She was convicted in Haifa District Court, where judge Tamar Sharon-Netanel described her actions as having “undermined the system of government and the societal and social values which underlie the security of the country and its citizens”.

Yes. – CM

‘Echoing assessments by security services that Israeli Arabs (sic: ‘Israeli Arab Muslims’; it is only the Muslims that are going off to join Islamic State – CM) who join ISIS pose a real threat to national security upon returning (why, pray, does it seem to be assumed, as an inviolable absolute, by infidel states all over the world, that these Muslims who Go Jihad whilst nominally holding – as an utterly-despised but tactical and temporary convenience – citizenship status within said infidel states, cannot possibly be stripped of that citizenship status after it is discovered they have departed to Islamic State (or similar), and that if they – having once departed – decide to reenter the infidel state which they hold in malevolent contempt, they must be supinely permitted to come back in, should they turn up at the gates? – CM) – she added, “The danger to the citizens of Israel and to the security of the state posed by the acts of the defendant is serious and real, even if that was not the intention of the defendant, as she claims.”

To repeat: this Muslim woman, who planned to leave Infidel Israel and join the Islamic State, the better to pursue the orthodox Islamic dream of a global Caliphate, had a PhD in Islamic Studies. She knew Islam through and through.  An Arabic speaker, she would have steeped herself in the Arabic original texts.  She would surely know whether Islamic State were Islamic or not.  And yet if I had a dollar for every time that, in cyberspace or in face to face conversation, I have encountered people – whether Muslim or non-Muslim (and it’s the non-Muslims, often without ever having cracked open a Koran, who are usually the most vehement of all) swearing black and blue that Islamic State’s nascent caliphate has “nothingtodowithIslam” or that the Islamic State jihadis and jihad gang bosses (including the founder, Al Baghdadi, who I understand had *also* studied Islam in-depth at university in  a Muslim country) and the Muslims – whether young or of maturer years, like this 44-year-old matron with, let’s say it again, a PhD in Islamic Studies – “aren’t really Muslims” or “don’t understand Islam”, I’d be a rich woman. – CM



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