Israel Must Destroy Iran’s Nuclear Program with or without US

By Roger L Simon

A couple of days ago, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu told the world at the UN regarding the malign actions of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its bloodthirsty minions “enough is enough”.

Today (Oct 1) we have heard quite a bit “more than enough” from Iran that just rained the greatest number of missiles from one country on another in history, surpassing, among other events, the Battle of Britain.

Fortunately, the Israelis with American help were largely able to fend off this onslaught.  But will they be able to do it again, especially when the mullahs fire supersonic nuclear-armed missiles, something that could happen any day?  Only one getting through would be necessary to annihilate Israel, their former president Akbar Rafsanjani insisted years ago, bragging Iran, a larger country, could handle several in return.

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan called Tuesday’s barrage a “significant escalation” but that “diplospeak” doesn’t offer much reassurance  the current U.S.  administration will do what’s necessary, or anything really.

Notably, other than the mullahs themselves and their Republican Guard, the man most responsible for what happened Tuesday was Barack Obama.  Our 44th president was the one who lifted sanctions, opening the economic spigot for Iran to become the world biggest state sponsor of terrorism and finance violence across the Middle East and the globe.

Why he did this, when Iran’s client Hezbollah had already exploded the truck bomb at the Buenos Aires Jewish community center that killed 85 and injured hundreds more, not to mention perpetrated fatal attacks on a U.S. Embassy and a Marine barracks that killed hundreds of our citizens, is a question with an answer few in the Democrat Party are willing to confront or even think about.

Nevertheless,  President Donald Trump wisely shut the spigot down until President Joe Biden, Obama’s slavish lieutenant, opened it again and we are where we are, demanding ceasefires at every turn almost by reflex, thereby guaranteeing the preservation of our evil adversaries.

To trust this administration and their potential future president Kamala Harris would be madness for the Israelis and I am certain they do not.

This administration and its female clone’s idea of how to respond to evil is so namby-pamby it’s mindboggling.  The first time around Biden counseled Netanyahu to “take the win.”  How idiotic did that turn out to have been?  With that kind of advice, we’d all be speaking German today.

With Kamala Harris, the empty shell living embodiment of Gertrude Stein’s description of Oakland, CA—“There’s no there there”—and Tim Walz—the man who inexplicably lies that he was in China for the Tiananmen Massacre when he was in Nebraska—the Israelis would be, if anything, in worse hands.

They can’t risk the possibility that Trump will lose.  They have to act before the election.

Yet they are beholden to American weaponry at the same time.  It’s a difficult situation but the Israelis appear ready to cast caution to the wind if their actions against Hezbollah are any indication.  For them it’s obviously existential but the Israelis are doing this for all of us, for the already teetering Western Civilization.

Let’s hope they are up to the task.  They must act.  Iran may be in the process of giving them an opportunity.  Their leadership is clearly threatened and confused. Just the other day,  none other than their former presidentMahmoud Ahmedinejad admitted that Israel thoroughly permeated the Iranian intelligence unit that was supposedly countering the Mossad.

We can hope the impressive Israeli intelligence agency has yet more magic tricks up its hand to upend evil with a minimum of civilian casualties, especially in Iran where a significant proportion of their public opposes the mullahs.

Mr. Netanyahu, in a short but eloquent speech, has made a direct video appeal to the people of Iran to free themselves from their theocratic tyrants.

Afterwards, a meme trended on X–  #TnxBBfromIran, including what purported to be graffiti in Persian and English on the streets of Tehran:  “Khamenei is next/#TnxBBfromIran.”

Of course, the U. S. government and what we nostalgically still call the “Free World” will ignore this.  As noted they urge negotiation and counsel ceasefires, but toward what end?

The ideology of the Iranian regime has not changed one jot since 1979 and is highly unlikely to do so because that would mean its demise.

Our State Department lives in a dreamland if they think  their by now hoary methods are of any use.  Their and the Biden administration’s lifting of sanctions on Iran looks even worse in retrospect than it did at the time, if that’s possible.

A real investigation into why this was done is not just merited, it’s mandatory. It was a mistake of mammoth proportions.


First published in American Refugees


2 Responses

  1. Real investigations are no longer permitted. Construction of consequenceless political actions are being implemented by our elected demented.
    No one is in control. Believe it, or grieve it.

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