Israel-Passport-Holding Arab Muslims Left Israel, Joined Islamic State and Then..Turned Up Back at Israel’s Gates and Were Let Back In

One can understand to a certaine extent the fogged folly of countries such as Australia or the USA, countries where the average voter had, until recently, little first-hand experience of Muslims, nor knowledge of Islam. But… Israel?  Why on earth did they let these people back in, once they had departed to join the most violent and vicious jihad gang that the Ummah has spawned in recent times?

As reported by Uzi Baruch for Israel National News on 20th October.

‘How an Arab-Israeli Couple Joined ISIS

‘It has been cleared for publication that last month security forces arrested a couple, Wissam and Savrin Zabidat, from the Arab town of Sakhnin in the lower Galilee (that is: “a Muslim Arab couple…from the Muslim-dominated town of Sakhnin…” – CM) as they arrived at Ben Gurion airport from Iraq with their three children – where (i.e. Iraq – CM) they had joined ISIS.

‘Investigations revealed that the couple had been exposed to ISIS propaganda before their departure.

‘In mid-June 2015 the couple travelled to Romania with their three children – aged 3, 6 and 8 – for a family event.

Probably that should be, “supposedly for a family event”.  Question:  a Muslim – and presumably Arab – couple from an Arab town in Israel have ‘family’ in … Romania? – CM

“From there, they travelled, without the knowledge of other family members (suuuure – that should perhaps be “supposedly without the knowledge of other family members” – CM) to Turkey.  In Turkey, the couple got in contact through Facebook with a resident of the Arab Israeli (and Muslim-dominated – CM) town of Umm el-Fahm, who had joined ISIS in 2013.

‘With his help and the help of smugglers the couple and their children crossed the border into Syria.

‘The couple was met at the Turkish-Syria border by ISIS members, who took their Israeli passports, and transferred  them to the ISIS stronghold of Al-Raqqa.

‘There, Wissam was separated from his family and sent to a training camp in Iraq, where he studied religion (that is: classical Islam – CM) and ISIS ideology.  After his religious indoctrination, he was transferred to another base for military training – including instruction on firing Kalashnikov rifles, PKs and RPGs.

‘Afterward, Wissam was sent to active duty, during which he helped guard ISIS facilities close to areas of fighting; later, he participated in raids on Iraqi military outposts.  In one of these raids, Wissam was injured in his leg and evacuated to a hospital in Mosul.

‘Investigation also revealed the family’s living conditions after joining Wissam in Iraq.  The family lived in cramped conditions, in houses without water or electricity, and bad sanitation, without proper medical care, or access to medical facilities.

In other words: they were cannon fodder. And… behold the bitter fruits of Islam, Islam, Islam in reality.  Not exactly the Islamic paradise-on-earth these evil fools might have been led to expect. – CM

‘The children did not attend educational institutions for an extended period, and were exposed to other children with contagious diseases.  In additiona, at the beginning of the year, the area where the couple lived was the scene of a massive explosion (caused by a ‘work accident’??? – CM)) that resulted in significant destruction and left many injured.  As a result, the children suffered trauma.

Our wannabe Muslim jihadi family, in the nascent caliphate, discovering that life in Israel under the hated Yahood was a whole lot better than life run by thugs enforcing the sharia undiluted… – CM

‘The investigation also gained insight into daily life under ISIS.  For example, ISIS rule discriminates heavily against women, and uses cruel methods of punishment (based directly on the instructions in the traditional Islamic code and foundation texts – CM) that include cutting off limbs, whipping, and beheading.

Saudi Arabia has been chopping off limbs and heads in Chop-Chop Square every Friday, and flogging people as per the instructions in the sharia, for years and years and years; Islamic State is just doing as Saudi Arabia does, and both are enacting the sharia of Islam. – CM

‘In addition, ISIS “ethics police” (exactly like the so-called virtue police in both Shiite Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia – CM) enforce women’s dress and the shape of a man’s beard (that is: they enforce the classical sharia regulations pertaining to such things – CM).

ISIS (in accord with the example set by Mohammed and his companions, as recorded in the Sira and the Hadiths and validated by passages of the Quran – CM) allows keeping Yazidi females for housework and as sex slaves.

‘From age 8, children start military training.

‘In addition, the economic situation in Mosul under ISIS is dire, with many people destitute and starving.

John Quincy Adams way back in 1829 observed that Mohammed’s followers spread “desolation and delusion”.  The misery experienced in the region ruled by ISIS is par for the course. – CM

‘Within the context of the difficult situation in embattled Mosul, the couple decided to return to Israel this past June.

‘To this end they turned to family members (who, therefore, must have known where they were all along..? – CM), who had to pay thousands of dollars to border smugglers and others, to ensure the smooth passage of the couple back to Israel.

Well, that’s their story. They went to Iraq, joined ISIS, spent time with ISIS, didn’t like it, and decided life back in Israel with modern medical care, running water, modern sanitation, etc, was better than life in the Caliphate. But: how did they get their passports back?  If they didn’t, presumably they used fakes; but… what happened to those confiscated Israeli passports and how might they be used?  And.. what if this piteous tale, so incidentally flattering to Israel, is a bunch of tarradiddles, and they have been sent back to Israel as agents to do… what?  – CM

‘The couple tried to cross the Syria-Turkey border numerous times with their children, which included walking through mountainous terrain in difficutl weather, sometimes without food and water.  During these attempts, one of the couple’s daughters was drugged, so that she would not disclose the family’s whereabouts. At other times during the attempts to cross the border, the family was met with fire from the Turkish army and from ISIS.

‘After finally managing to cross the border, the couple was arrested by Turkish police, and placedin a detention camp. After several days, they were freed – but arrested upon their arrival in Israel.

‘Shin Bet security forces emphasize: “The phenomenon of Israelis (sic: “Israel-passport-holding Muslims” – CM) going to Syria and Iraq is serious and dangerous.  ISIS works to spread false propaganda, and to present a false image of itself as enabling a good life under Islam, or a religious and military adventure.  In contrast, the investigation of Israelis (that is, of Israel-passport-holding Muslims – CM), returning from Syria and Iraq presents a completey opposite picture.”

‘Today, the Haifa District Court prosecution presented a serious indictment against the couple for departing to enemy territory and joining ISIS”.

They should not have been let back in.  Bed. Made. Lie.   Also, apart from anything else, it’s a real possibility that a large part of their long sob story is false, or a tissue of half-truths, and that rather than having got cold feet and  ‘fleeing’ from ISIS they have been sent back to wreak havoc, at some future time, within Israel… or else to assist and enable someone else to wreak havoc.  Did they get their original Israeli passports back, the ones that were taken from them at the Turkish-Syria border when they first entered ISIS-held territory?  Or did they travel back to Israel on different, faked passports, the originals meanwhile remaining in ISIS hands?  if so… how might those genuine Israeli passports be used, in future?   – CM



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