The Cowherd by Constant Troyon
Of Tyrants and Trillions, Part I
and Part II
by Theodore Dalrymple
A Metaphysic of Manners by Samuel Hux
Clive James’ Last Act by John Broening
The Return of the Silent Majority by Rebecca Bynum
Balagan Revisited: 10 Years After the Gaza Withdrawal
by Jerry Gordon
The Iran Deal: What You Need to Know and Aren’t Being Told
by Joseph S. Spoerl
Defending Israel against Iranian Nuclear Aggression: War, Genocide, and International Law
by Louis René Beres
The Iran Nuclear Deal: A Pandora’s Box
by Jerry Gordon and Mike Bates
Peace Processing Iran by Nidra Poller
How Best to Overturn the Iran Nuclear Pact
by Jerry Gordon
Reform Islam? Recognize Kurdistan!
by G. Murphy Donovan
Will Erdogan’s Turkey Frustrate Kurdish Recognition in the War Against ISIS?
by Jerry Gordon
Across the Borderline with Rabbi Stephen Leon
by Geoffrey Clarfield
Invisible Sephardim by Richard Kostelanetz
Scottish Nationalism – The Rancour of the Meek
by Fergus Downie
Marxism’s Opportunistic Interpretation of the National Question
by Norman Berdichevsky
A Tiresome Occupation: Cleansing the Syllabus
by Mark Gullick
Besieged by Hate a review by Shai Afsai
“Invisible” White Man by Richard Kostelanetz
Short Story:
Heaven Knows by James Como
Lines Composed in Meadows Near the Black Forest
by William Ruleman
Diesel Denson at the Podium by David Solway
Father by Bibhu Padhi
Summer, Kolkata by Sutapa Chaudhuri
Eyes by Dilip Mohapatra
translated by Thomas Ország-Land