L’intérieur d’un café by Louis-Léopold Boilly
Sense and Sentimentality by Theodore Dalrymple
John Stuart Mill and Racism by Ibn Warraq
Religion and the Law by Rebecca Bynum
Gracious in Triumph by Conrad Black
How Christianity Civilized Barbarian Europe in Just One Hundred Years
by Emmet Scott
Royal Envy by David P. Gontar
The “Neocon Cabal”: Its Roots and Resonances
by Sam Bluefarb
The Psychobabble Bubble by G. Murphy Donovan
The Is-Ought Gap, Post-Modernism and the French Facelift
by Richard Butrick
Could the Crisis in Turkey Impact US Policy in the Middle East?
by Jerry Gordon
Hungary Sets Up a State Authority to Rewrite History
by Thomas Ország-Land
An American Feminist Fighting Sharia: an Interview with Dr. Phyllis Chesler
by Jerry Gordon
Al Shabaab’s Jihad – The Secret History Behind the Westgate Mall Attack
by Geoffrey Clarfield
Raja Shehadeh: A Moderate or a Moderate Façade?
by Robert Harris
Twisting Jewish Values to Promote False Peace
by Matthew Hausman
Flight from an Afghan Seraglio a review by Jerry Gordon
Goldie by G. Murphy Donovan
Five Notes on Guns and the Police by Richard Kostelanetz
Amusement on a Long Flight Alone by Norman Berdichevsky
Winter’s Tale by Bibhu Padhi
Advances In Endoscopy by Len Krisak