Meadow by Alfred Sisley
Trump Foreign Policy: Regaining America’s Respect
by Robert Rabil
Donald Trump Says “No Thanks” to Most of the Republican Foreign Policy Establishment
by Rebecca Bynum
Let Us Praise Ordinary Men by Theodore Dalrymple
Why I Am A Proud Trump Republican by Rebecca Bynum
The Trump Brexit Intersection by Conrad Black
Denial by G. Murphy Donovan
Is “Never Again” Happening Again? by Dr. Lori Ripps and Molly Gross
Introduction by Jerry Gordon
Homo Kaplanensis: “Europe Was Defined By Islam. And Islam Is Redefining It Now.”
by Hugh Fitzgerald
Islamophobiacs: the Unwitting Abettors of Islamo-Supremacism
by Richard Butrick
Cowboys and Indians—and the Racism Myth by Samuel Hux
The New Plutocracy: How Democrats Betrayed Their Origins
by Lorna Salzman
Have Sanctions Stopped Joint Iran – North Korea Nuclear ICBM Development?
by Jerry Gordon and Ilana Freedman
Noam Chomsky in 1969 by Richard Kostelanetz
The Abolition of Slavery in the Danish West Indies and the Governor’s Mulatto Mistress
by Norman Berdichevsky
Journey to India with Story of Books by Lizhi He
Missive to a Millennial by G. Murphy Donovan
Shakespeare Undoes Chivalry by David P. Gontar
Short Story:
Alaattin and the Jinn by A. Human Being
Time and Loss: Variations by Evelyn Hooven
Portrait of an Orientalist by David Solway
Looking At Myself by Bibhu Padhi
Disturbing, Distant, Muffled Sounds by Miklós Radnóti
translated by Thomas Ország-Land
My Eyes Thirsty by Sutapa Chaudhuri
Oh, Brother Mine by James Como
Identity by Dilip Mohapatra
Up on the Roof by P. David Hornik