Evening Glow by John Atkinson Grimshaw
Sudan’s Extremist Islamist Regime Uses Chemical Weapons in Darfur Genocide
by Lieutenant General Abakar Mahamat Abdallah
Nota Bene, Part II by Theodore Dalrymple
Dowd Out Loud by G. Murphy Donovan
The Middle East Watches, and Waits, for the Next American President
by Conrad Black
Lessons for the Next US President by Louis René Beres
The First Cultural Relativist: Relativism, Nationalism and the Danger of Diversity
by Alexander Zubatov
Alice’s Adventures in Authorship Land by David P. Gontar
A Mirabilary Of The Passing Parade: Homo Gnosticus (Part III)
by Cynicus Americanus
Protecting our Borders from Terrorists?
by Jerry Gordon and Agent X
The Obama-Hillary Team and the Muslim Brotherhood: A Critique
by Alexander Murinson
False Prophets Disarmed at a Vanderbilt University Presentation
by Jerry Gordon and David Baldovin
The Other Republican Businessman Candidate for President: Wendell Willkie
by Norman Berdichevsky
A Stroll in the Park with Martha Nussbaum by David P. Gontar
A Yazidi Speaks to the Narayver Synagogue in Canada
by Mirza Ismail
Do You get Tsurus from Soros Aiding Refugees and Migrants?
by Jerry Gordon
Why Predators Must Pray by Joe Bissonnette
Good, Bad, and Ugly Conspiracy Theories by Paul Austin Murphy
Connecting the Dots: The Feast of Tishri, Sukkoth and Thanksgiving
by Jerry Gordon
Ratio non Grata by James Como
Rape in the Cave of Hira: Speculations on the Origin of Islam
by A. Human Being
Whence Wisdom? by G. Murphy Donovan
Driverless Cars=Automotive Vasectomy by Joe Bissonnette
God Invented Slavery, Faces Prospect of Impeachment
by Lorna Salzman
Black Lives Matter by Richard Kostelanetz
Book review:
The Choice of the Jews under Vichy
by Michael Curtis
For a Couple Occasionally on the Verge of Separation
by Evelyn Hooven
Poetry by Dilip Mohapatra
Slander by David Solway
Mandelstam by the Fence by György Faludy
translated by Thomas Orzság-Land