It Was Brutal
by Armando Simón
This past week we saw an instance of the beauty of the US Constitution. Or rather, you would have if the media hivemind had not censored it by not mentioning what happened.
The appellate court heard the arguments regarding the New York trial of Donald Trump for the heinous, blood curdling crime of borrowing from a bank and paying the loan bank with interest. For this unspeakable crime he had been fined an incredible $500 million.
It is customary for Appellate judges to grill the attorneys, but this was a first. The State attorney had five words out of her mouth when she was interrupted by one of the Justices with a long, detailed, question that essentially eviscerated her case: could she cite a single case where two equally sophisticated parties had agreed on an exchange of money which was carried out and where neither party had cried foul? Needless to say, she could not and the cases she brought up were irrelevant. It was obvious, as it has been obvious to anyone not afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome, that a fictitious crime was conjured up—one that was not even on the books.
And it continued, one of the justices again voicing what everyone knows, namely that the trial was election interference, the actions of which were illegal. The gargantuan fine for a nonexistent crime was also mentioned. The Justices voiced anger at being presented with such a travesty and aired the possibility of sanctions and the previously cocksure attorney ended by begging not to be sanctioned.
She was gutted like a fish.
I, for one, cannot wait for the official ruling.
Armando Simón is the author of The Only Red Star I Liked was a Starfish.