Jean-Marie Le Pen, The Man Who Did The Most To Make Mass Migration Into France Possible,Tel Qu’En Lui-Même

Jean-Marie Le Pen is an out-and-out fascist. For years he was the face and emblem of the Front National. And because this awful man, who famously declared that the genocide of the Jews was merely a “detail of the war,” was thought to represent the anti-Islam forces, it was not respectable to criticise Islam, or oppose the mass migration of Muslims into France. To do so would be to support the unacceptable likes of Jean-Marie Le Pen. When others, such as Jacques Ellul, warned about Islam’s encroachments, few listened. For them, it was Jean-Marie Le Pen who mattered, and since he was so obviously someone whom one could not support, those who reconized the danger of Islam to the Western world had nowhere to go.

It is good that Jean-Marie Le Pen has now openly declared that he believes the Charliie-Hebdo massacres were a “plot” carried out by Western intelligence services, presumably the Deuxieme Bureau, the CIA, the Mossad. Now Muslims know who their best friend is — it’s Jean-Marie Le Pen. But he was always  their best friend, inadvertently; he was always the single most useful opponent of Islam, the single man whose mere existence did the most to make mass Muslim migration into France, over the past several decades, continue without  any effective or articulate opposition. His daughter is, unlike her  father, neither vicious nor demented (and Jean-Marie Le Pen has always been demented, it’s not a function of advancin age), and her own daughter even more distant.



2 Responses

  1. Insightful, Hugh. The effects of Le Pen’s desecration of the noble cause of cultural defense, and the demographic concerns that go with it, will continue to make it difficult for a robust and uncensored(often self-censoring) discussion to take place on just how France can reclaim France.

    Given her father, do you think Marine Le Pen will be taken seriously by all those French who are now mortified by the threat Islam poses to France, but cannot bear to be seen as racist?

    One more question, Hugh. Is France ready to acknowledge how its pro-Palestinian positions and rhetoric and its Israel bashing has contributed to the license French Muslims feel they have to harass and attack Jews?

  2. Winston Churchill once pointed out that he would make an alliance with Satan himself if it meant defeating Hitler, and he did ally with Stalin, who was pretty satanic. That was my thinking a few years back, before 911, when I gave a presentation in French class on why I supported the FN. My professor was appalled, but even then I could see what was happening to France. It’s such a pity that there are so many anti-semites in Europe that a rational policy of self-defense is impaired.

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