Jihad sympathisers win cash support

From the Sunday Times and elsewhere.

Cage, (advocacy group that defended Jihadi John ) has tapped into grassroots support, raising more than £18,000 in the past few days through an online appeal after its bank accounts were closed and its main charity backers were forced to stop funding it. .. faced financial difficulties since its accounts with Barclays and the Co-operative Bank were suddenly closed last summer.

Last week it moved to exploit publicity from the Emwazi case by launching an online “crowd-funding” appeal to continue with its work to “empower communities impacted by the war on terror”. 

By last night Cage had received more than 300 donations towards its target of £100,000. Many pledges have been made by Muslims, but a significant number are from those of other religions.

The two highest pledges of £1,000 each were made by Frank Kaufhold, 63, a former BT executive from Ipswich, and Maryam Rao, 34, from southwest London.

Kaufhold wrote alongside his pledge: “Supporting freedom means supporting Cage.” When contacted at home yesterday, a man answering the telephone said “F*** off” before hanging up. 

You can see other donations here. The Anthony Green who donated £20 is Abdur Raheem Green, well know hate preacher and ginger convert, who is followed by Omar Emwazi, the war criminal’s younger brother. Most are anonymous. Some direct the donation as part of thier zakat – the charitable giving for the Islamic cause which is one of the duties of all Muslims.

These individual donations are now very important to Cage as their main two corporate donors have bowed to public opinion and ceased their funding. 

From ITV: Two major donors to campaign group Cage have pulled funding in protest at the organisation’s apparent defence of the Islamist militant known as Jihadi John. The Charity Commission revealed it had taken “robust action” to demand that the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Roddick Foundation would cease all current and future donations to the group.

I’m sure there will be bucket collections outside every mosque shortly.