Just like real life .. an ungrateful friend
By Bill Corden
We’ve all been through it in our lifetimes, you help someone out maybe by lending them money or helping them when they go through troubled times, or giving them shelter while they get themselves sorted out . The problem comes when you start to get taken for a sucker and you suddenly realize that you have to draw the line.
Don’t know how many times I’ve helped out someone with a loan or let a friend stay at my home free of charge, even helped them get a job but it’s a very rare occasion where you get gratitude.
If you ask for your loan back because you, yourself, need t
he money then you’re rebuffed with some excuse and the recipient gets angry because you had the nerve to want your cash back.
The freeloader who stayed at your house for months on end without paying a dime or doing a single household chore is angry when you give them the heave-ho. Angry even though you’ve given them five star hospitality during their stay.
The person you helped get a job forgets how desperate they were until you stepped in, and sees their success only as their own unassisted efforts.
Yes I’ve been through all of those scenarios, I’m happy to say that not all of them turned out badly but the ones that did are just like Zelensky and quickly dropped out of my life.
Zelensky should be on his knees with gratitude but no, he bites the hand that feeds him and argues the toss in front of everyone. How could someone in that position be so stupid?
We’re witnesses to historic truths today with President Trump and his administration, for the first time that I can remember, actually saying in public what should have been said from the start. ( I’m not naïve enough to accept all of their stuff as facts but it is a refreshing change)
He’ll be in for a hell-fire storm of criticism but I’m confident that he’ll ride it out and I’m confident that the war will soon be over. This isn’t a case of a country falling into a different ideological system like it was with the communists, it’s just a case of who the tributes/taxes will be paid to after everything is settled.