Knifeman SHOT DEAD after several injured during attack on train
From the Daily Star
A KNIFEMAN has been shot dead after an attack on a train in Germany. Two others are critically injured after a fight broke out in Flensburg, north Germany. Federal police confirmed that the knife attack had taken place near the central train station in the northern city of Flensburg, on the Danish border.
The man allegedly took out his weapon at around 7pm on Wednesday while on the fast train travelling to Flensburg via Cologne and Hamburg.
Local media say that there has been at least one fatality and two injuries.
Early reports suggested that the one dead was the assailant, while the two injured were policemen who had taken him down. German newspaper the Bild reported that the man had been shot while coming at the police with the weapon.
As the train arrived in Flensburg at 7.06pm the two police officers are said to have boarded.Then the attacker is said to have injured the female police officer and her colleague then shot the man.
A police spokesman said that he was “not aware of” any connection to terrorism as yet and the suspect is not known at this time. Crimes do happen outside of terror related jihad. We’ll see.